BHVR’s “Official” KILLER TIER LIST… | Dead By Daylight

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BHVR made a Killer Tier List for Dead By Daylight. I thought it’d be fun to see what the devs of DBD say the strongest killer is based on raw data!

Raw Data:
Visme Presentation:

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46 thoughts on “BHVR’s “Official” KILLER TIER LIST… | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I literally haven’t played against wesker once I’m not even kidding, I’m so annoyed that every keeps getting and that they don’t wanna play against him anymore, but I literally haven’t once.

  2. We've seen nerfs for nurse? Her last change was a nerf. The "bugged add ons" which they said actually wernt bugged, it was a buff. And before that she got buffed by having the 3 blink addon😂 they recently have buffed nurse more than nerfing her so maybe they actually think she's weak

  3. Tier lists in general are trash thats from all content creators. Its all on the actual players. I've seen way too many tier lists by such creators that put killers at the bottom and I've seen players DESTROYING. Tier lists are bunk in general. I don't buy anything Dowsey, Otz, says in tier lists. Everything else yes. Tier lists NO. Killers who are supposedly weak… are strong when played by good people. Simple.

  4. Bro don't get me wrong, I like Wesker. But it is so tiring to go against him a majority of survivor matches. No sure if anyone else feels the same, but the game is starting to become boring because of it.

  5. Pleauge is very high cause no one knows to stop cleansing then 5 seconds later touch a gen thats infexted and then say oh im infected lets stop doing the gen and cleanse again and this whole cycle keeps repeating… I hate playing against her for that reason….

  6. One thing I would love to see is comparing console killers and PC killers. I don't have a PC I can game on, so I play on Xbox. I know some of the killers play quite different console vs PC, for example the snapping in Oni or Blight after their respective rushes.

  7. It seems like these numbers are super lacking. Those data are super incomplete and insufficient. There are so many variables not taken into account, for example maps, DCs, length of the match match 4K vs 0K numbers, and many more. Crude “killrates” actually pose more questions than answers.
    If this is how they measure the success of killers and think of balance changes, it is actually concerning ngl..

  8. Dowsey you missed the important part… Devs have said many times they aim at 60% kill rate for every killer, so wesker is overperforming only by 3% and majority of the killer cast is actually underperforming.

  9. What all this data tells me: it's not the killer or the power. the rise in camping, tunneling, and slugging as a popular "tactic" is narrowing the gap between killer strength only being determined by a killers' mobility in a match or ability to more easily fend off one or two survivors in end game.

  10. Data will always be skewed slightly after a new release. Monthly is still great for updates. Thanks u r amazing for brining this kind of data to our attention. Your amazing keep it up


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