Bringing a Huntress main CoconutRTS build! Insane games! | Dead by Daylight

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Bringing CoconutRTS build! Insane games! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoHuntress here I hope you’re well!

In today’s video we try out coconutRTS huntress build in order to work on improving as Huntress!
I hope I done you proud mr Huntress main! I’d like to practice her way more!!

Enjoy the video gamers!

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11 thoughts on “Bringing a Huntress main CoconutRTS build! Insane games! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Wait I have a very good question is sloppy butcher, hex devour hope, hex NOED, and deerstalker or discordance good on legion personally it works like a charm I love this combination. I also run no add-ons I’m no rank 1 killer and I don’t care about what people think of me I just want to rank up considering I don’t have good perks for legion on console and am currently working towards them. My PC build works like a charm I just want to know your opinion on that build.

  2. I do hope they fixed that barrel and basement glitch that prevents the killer from picking you up, therefore slowing things MASSIVELY and enraging the killer.


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