Bubba Is Getting BUFFED?! Massive Developer Update! – Dead By Daylight

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These changes are HUGE and I wasn’t expecting most of them. Meta changeup incoming???

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29 thoughts on “Bubba Is Getting BUFFED?! Massive Developer Update! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Hey Spooks, That's wonderful news on the update for Dead by Daylight, I'm definitely going to say this also, Nerfs, Buffs don't affect me none whatsoever, as long as I can still play the game that's all good for me and I can still have a fantastic time playing Dead by Daylight. Second, I agree with you on the swamp map, they need to change that map ASAP, I want to see real swamp water, make it green instead of grey, with real moss colour, make it even more spooky and scary, have alligators in the swap, 🐊 please Behaviour, change the Swamp Maps please. Also, Dungeons and Dragons chapter huh? This is going to be fun, I have friends who are die hard D&D fans and they are going to be Jelly when they see this. 😊 😊 Thank you so very much for the update video and Have a great day today. 😊 😊

  2. For me, the best decision to balabce the game,
    1. To upgradd basekit( add deadlock and corrupt)
    2. Add penalty if you do gen solo, if you do gen with your hommie no penalty
    3. Nerf meta surv's perk as "window of opportunity", " Off the record" "Resilence( i realy dont undestsnd why this perk allow you to fix gens faster) "
    3. Rebalance the maps, its not playeble when you have 6 pallets near the shack on some maps and all are they safe

  3. As a survivor main I'm very annoyed that this gane isn't killer sided. This game should feel oppressive to play as survivor, i want that sense of urgency and always feeling pressure by the opponent.

    That's why i miss og ruin because that perk put you in GEAR vs ruin now iust being a meh ill commit to the gen.

  4. I am loving these changes tbh. Behavior ate. The only ones im iffy on are DS and buckle up. Mostly because DS just got reworked and its just a numbers tweak, feel like they could have done someting more like spook said. I also dont rhink buckle up was too bad but i know others struggled with it so its understandable.

  5. its not that im complaining about bubba being buffed, i'm just 100% convinced that bhvr operates purely and solely on favoritism. their favorite killers get buffed to shit while their least favorite get nerfed to shit, same with survivors, and same with pretty much every single decision they make when it comes to this game. just a theory, but not a surprising one by any means whatsoever XD they're definitely known for being one of the most selfish developer teams.

  6. might be a hot take but buckle up for the people wasn't a problem… For the people TRADES A health state while also leaving the rescuer broken and unable to heal, while yes buckle up protects them for a little bit but a smart killer can quite easily wait out the endurance or hit one if not both of them and leave them in deep wounds… i don't think behavior should not be taking away different ways to play the game instead make new ways to platy instead of restricting people to either "take hits" or a flashlight save. I hate the idea of taking hits, DBD is at heart a "horror" game and i don't think having a survivor run in between a killer and survivor only to take a mallet to the face is exactly immersive. a better change would be make for the people exhaust the rescuer and/or the saved survivor or another trade on top of broken and a health state swap

  7. I know I am a lonley fighter on this one, but I honestly and unironically LOVE the current swamp maps – so I'm very happy about the borgo changes and hope they'll never touch the swamps to "align" it with other maps.

  8. I just don’t get how BHVR is blind to buffing sabo makes not just a Sabo Meta but a Slugging Meta…. Also i’m okay with base decisive… but! Then gen speeds need to be inceeased by half or so cause high level requires slugging… (we need more protection off hook but longer survivor objective)

  9. Imo, given the current changes to weaving of spiders, the changes to pop and pain res were not the right way to go about it, Since weaving of spiders reduces the progress required to repair ALL generators permanently, and now it can be done more often, and from my own experience it was a good buff to a perk that could turn your own team against you.
    But the nerfs to Pop and Pain Res in conjuction with a sizeable buff to Weaving of Spiders, and sabotage builds is a perfect storm waiting to happen comes the PTB.

    As i seen in other comments, the nerfs to Pop and Pain Res will not change in the slightest their pick rates in the meta builds, but just make it more of a Uphill battle to killers attempting to counter an increaseing generator progression.

  10. The Borgo REALLY needed touched.

    I don't get the constant wanting the Swamp maps reworked…never bothers me to play 'em.

    But the coloring of the Borgo was eye-searing, and horrible if you had issues with the scratchmarks.

  11. Lemme get this straight…

    -They removed buckle up from existence.
    -Nerfed basically every gen stop perk
    -Buffed an already strong killer (when used properly)
    -Buffed a mediocre yet still strong perk when it works into possibly the strongest perk for gen speed…
    -Made Sabo even stronger then it was…

    Then expect us to thank them?

  12. This is so much better for Bubba. The hit boxes for his chainsaw were terrible and he’d go into tantrum mode even if he didn’t hit a barrier. He was also super reliant on add-ons for more chainsaw sweeps, so it’s good he has better speed and more movement when swinging his chainsaw

  13. 5:20 gotta disagree there cpos the only fastest sabo is with Alex toolbox. The normal ones get you downed even if u sabotage. This buff was needed to allow sabotage plays more


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