Buffed Sadako is quite exciting | Dead by Daylight

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Some games featuring some fun semi-random perks and our first attempt at getting the Adept achievement. The small buffs make the Onryo a bit more consistent and results in quite exciting gameplay. 😊

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


29 thoughts on “Buffed Sadako is quite exciting | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Buffs since PTB: Manifesting transition lowered from 2.5 to 1.5 seconds (arguably the best change), decreased TR and visibility from 32m down to 24m (not too bad) and slightly tweaked condemned values when holding/removing a tape (slightly helpful). Personally I would welcome some other more direct chase-related buffs but it seems like she might stay like this for a while.

  2. Do you feel the synergy of Make Your Choice with Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage is good? Make Your Choice procs, you see the Aura of the unhooking survivor who is exposed, teleport to a close by TV, potentially get the tally for her curse and find the exposed survivor easier to gain value.

  3. I was hoping they make it so that when she is demanifested she can sort of glitch forward like 4 meters maybe to help in chase, then add another thing where if she injures a survivor within 3~4 seconds after manifesting she puts on a stack of condemned, maybe make the total stacks needed increase by 1 to compensate

  4. 2:26 When the Killer Dead Hards in response to your Dead Hard.

    4:28 In before Unbreakable play.
    Never gloat before everyone is on a hook.
    Ah, you do mention it, alright.
    I don't run Unbreakable as Bill, mostly because everyone expects Bill to run Unbreakable.

    9:19 I'm guessing Fake bill hiding in a locker so they are just giving up.
    9:31 Yep, called it.

    Not much to say about the second game, just solid Survivors and a bit of luck combined with Otz's skill got the Adept.

    Thanks for the video Otz.

  5. I've heard that Sadako's hand flickering after Manifesting is what survivors see as well, meaning Sadako can tell when shes completely invisible, anybody else know more about this?

  6. Anyone else love the fact that for this killer you can call any jittery movement, lag and unpolished animations "features" because it's just makes her closer to the actual character 🤣

  7. Sadako is ridiculous tbh
    No effort 4k'd 5 games in a row and then 3 k'd with 1 hatch my last game. Not a b or a list killer for me. Definitely S on my list. The fact that transposing has like 0 cool down, and the Gen pressure perks man. Love her.


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