By Daylight (false DbD trailer)

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Well, this project took absolutely forever. Also, It’s probably too long to be a Dead by Daylight trailer, but then again Decisive Strike is too powerful to be a DBD perk and yet here we are.

A thousand thanks to @JonRob for flexing his musical powers on this project and to @JayTheBard and @MissShellah for lending their voice acting prowess. Their work really brings this video to life, go watch their stuff and tell them I say hi!

Oh, also, cheeky wallpapers.
There you go:–IQx3v20b_gu?usp=sharing


44 thoughts on “By Daylight (false DbD trailer)”

  1. Now that the DBD movie is officially in the works wirh the screenwriter and director needing to be found, I wish they'd take a look at this xD maybe even gather fan ideas. Dbd has alot of lore xD

  2. If the new dead by daylight movie isn't like this, i don't want it because then it's just going to be an over hour film about a handful of survivors and killers getting their stories told and a few trials

  3. This is INSANELY cool, amazing, awesome, great! Every possible great word it's your videos! I'm so happy I found your channel!❤️ Amazing work! Please keep it going❤️

  4. I'm kinda interested on what side the twins and the hag will be on. Both of them needed the entity to survive but neither of them wanted to kill, I mean lisa didn't kill anyone (directly) and charlotte only attacked people who attack her first

  5. Potential twist:
    Ariana isn’t an ordinary human. She gets visions about the realm as seen in the first part of the trailer. She must have found a way to even free the killers from the entity’s mind control. Therefore some killers becoming rebels and allying with survivors: they’re now called the resistance. Ariana must be the key to vanquish the entity for good.


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