Can This Addon Replace Infectious Fright on Oni? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Iridescent Family Crest just recently got a hefty buff that doubled it’s range, so we’re testing it out to see if it’s any better now, and if it could possibly be used as a replacement for infectious fright on Oni, since it is such a vital perk for snowballing.

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49 thoughts on “Can This Addon Replace Infectious Fright on Oni? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. That's exactly what I was thinking! It should work even when you land your hits. Ultra rares are meant to be strong, so I don't think that would be too much, all tho i feel like it might need to have some kind of a down side then

  2. I think they should just make the add on like a mini infectious fright so it’s on actual downs and it’s like when you replace Iron Maiden with reload add ons for huntress and trickster

  3. I’d assume the reason the addon doesn’t proc when you hit a wall is the same reason Unrelenting doesn’t. It probably shares some of the same code and Oni hitting the ground isn’t actually him literally smacking the ground, it’s just his version of whiffing.

  4. honestly, calm spirit isnt that bad anymore considering the whole scourge hook, infectious, family crest whatever meta nowadays .. even would have helped with the bird flying up near main building just then. information denial doesnt seem to be so bad anymore

  5. I personally think add-ons that replace perks that are used a lot on killers are great and free up a new slot. I think it should work on successful hits as Well. That's why I was so excited about pig house gloves until I realize you had to overheat to use them. Cuz I had to drop enduring from Billy and I miss it.

  6. I'm glad Tofu finally realized he could intentionally just pop the power, go to roughly where the survivors are and if he doesn't immediately see one slam the ground. I was thinking the entire match "why doesn't he do this"? 🙂

    Also, just a random thought, but note that this add-on completely stacks with Infectious Fright since the former works on misses and the latter works on hits. There's no overlap, so if you really love getting those screams on Oni you could just run both and get even more constant information on where survivors are while you're charged up.

    Or, if you just use the add-on and not Infectious Fright like in this video, then you're kind of getting almost that perk's value in one add-on slot and getting to use a "fifth perk" slot on something else. Either way it actually seems like it's a pretty solid perk assuming you like the info from it.

  7. Only part way through, but i wouldnt want to use this as bad infectous fright. Instead Id recommend, after getting the down, to immediately dash to the area your game sense tells you a survivor is. You slam as you reach the spot ( if you dont see a trail). And if they had tried to hide then now they're screwed.

  8. You know how Oni slams the ground two more times after he downs someone? It would be cool if that activated the addon to reveal their auras. Because as of current, the time it takes to charge an attack and purposely miss, it's just too much wasted time. And plus, it uses an addon slot, and Oni has some crucial addons such as: speed, topknot, hull, and of course duration extenders. I'd still rathet give up a perk slot than this.

  9. I think you kinda addressed why it shouldn't activate on a hit charged attack. If it did, it would essentially be an 8 meter shorter Infectious Freight. Not saying IF is an overpowered perk, but when an Add-on can replace a perk and free up a perk slot, that's getting a little slippery. I'm not saying iri add-ons shouldn't be about as strong as a perk, just not imitating an existing perk.
    As is, it gives you a slightly less range then IF in exchange for a few seconds of time spent 'wasting time in your power' and it also gives those other benefits you were discussing in the second match. I think if its range was just your terror radius (and scaled with Distressing and Moniter and Abuse) it would be worth being an Iri add-on.
    How sick would it be if it was based on your terror radius when using Dark Devotion? Hit the obsession, wait 10 seconds to activate your power and do a slam to see where they are and any other survivors around them? It wouldn't be the most effective thing but flippin hilarious

  10. You think that if you make it so survivors also scream when you hit them it would make infectious fright obsolete and free up a perk slot but blights summing stone addon is basically a replacement for blood favor

  11. It really bothers me that they're like "ooh you have to specifically hit THE GROUND with your club because the SEISMIC SHOCKWAVES are what cause the survivors to scream" but when you HIT a survivor he HITS THE GROUND LIKE THREE TIMES AFTER HE HITS THE BODY!! HE'S STILL HITTING THE GROUND GOD DAMN IT

  12. I’m halfway through, but for me the point of the add on is for when you miss hits and can tell where the survivor is. When I was new to oni it was helpful for me since on controller I missed with his power a lot.

  13. Adding the screams to hits as well would make it a true ultra rare, yes. But somehow I dislike designing an addon like "it does exactly the same as this perk". Blight also has such a thing with the tiny Blood Favor addon. But here it would be actually the bigger Infectious Fright addon as you don't need to down people and have more use than the perk.

    I thought about adding an effect to have less cooldown after a missed smash. That would reduce the pain of wasting time to smash the ground and on top also make the chase a tip bit stronger when you miss your target. Questionable if this makes it worth an ultra rare (Depending on how much the reduction would be) but I think having this double effect would be a nicer design than just making IF worthless

  14. While it may be a lesser version of infectious fright you also have to consider the added value of an added perk plus lesser infectious fright, which to me is far greater than just infectious fright. Also it makes them scream in lockers.


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