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16 thoughts on “CAN WE FINALLY PLAY DBD LIKE WE USED TO? Dead by Daylight”

  1. People keep saying "killers have quit" yet my queue time as a survivor is quicker than it has ever been. Go queue as a killer and I can be waiting much longer.

  2. It's 2023, why do these survivors still rage quit!? Gosh, I swear I get more enjoyment watching Tru3 play this game, while not regretting that I haven't played in 2 years and have no desire to ever play this game again. It isn't what it used to be when it first came out in 2016… miss those days of DBD.

  3. I can't really watch Tru3 anymore. He's a broken record about a lot of things which I can't really blame him considering the state of the game. But it looks like he just does not care anymore and then complains when he wasn't paying attention. 4:49 there's fresh scratch marks right there. Just walks by them even though a chain hunt is on and survivors are way more likely to be charging in to grab the box. Not to mention that before that, the Near was bee lining right for the Ada on the hook and it was pretty obvious but Tru3 takes the long way around and just lets the Nea get a free unhook.

    This man needs to play something else. And yeah, the same thing is going to happen again: he's going to play Street Fighter 6, declare it to be his new main game, he'll play it for a week before going right back to DbD. Just like clockwork.

  4. i wonder how dbd would be like if they didn't allow all survivor perks on any survivors. but maybe a specific 2ndary character's perk only. maybe do same with killer? however killer is supposed to be the power roll

  5. Yes? You can play dbd however you want and most of the time you’ll win if you’re good since most players aren’t. Most survivors (and killers) simply play the game and don’t watch content about it. If you know what you are doing then 99% of the time you’ll still be able to play however you want.
    That isn’t to call all criticism of dbd currently bullshit. Currently dbd is facing this problem where two chapters have been really bad, back to back with little good content added in between. The only counter against the knight is w holding and the only good counter against the skull Merchant will be the same w holding. To be honest I’d say dbd is way overdue for a mayor change to the base game. Maybe a new objective or something else that shakes up the game. Since the base game has been the same for 6 years now the only thing keeping people in the game is new Characters. Of course BHVR sucks dick at the one thing they have to do so if they don’t have anything good in just a few chapters the game is basically dead for people since no one wants to do the same thing they’ve done for the past 6 years for more than maybe one Match a day.
    But still people are being way to whiny about winning. You can play however you want (at least as killer, I don’t have to much survivor experience so idk) and still win most of you’re matches.


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