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  1. Feel now that the hype over Pinhead has simmered the major problems with the balance is very obvious. I want to like him, but as he is now, there is just no real fun to have playing him. Feel the devs are going to just worry about the bug to fix the survivors and leave Pinhead be until a bigger stink is pushed on him. He is…not a good killer by a long shot with so many plays against his power. And he just feels…sluggish really. I'm hoping for fixes before he's out in public, but I'm not holding my breath.

  2. I wonder dones Twin's Hoarder perk proc off the box?
    it has worked on trapper's traps in the past every time you picked em up and with nemisis' vaccine chests I wonder if it works too

  3. Real question, why on earth does holding the box pause the chain hunt timer? If holding it didn't pause the timer there would be no benefit to holding it hostage. I think it should also apply incapacitated as well so if you hold the box you can't progress the game, or delay his power without SOLVING IT.

    The box already has a shit ton of counter play. You can take it to a safe area, away from your team, you can have people who haven't been hooked yet do it to force the killer to get more hooks, ect. If he goes live like this the chain hunt will be a joke

  4. Wait, what the fuck? I thought holding the box forces chains to harass you constantly so that when Pinhead finally finds you, you are basically fucked because of all the slow-down.
    But that doesn't seem to be the case? The hell? Seriously?!

  5. Pin head is stronger in lower ranks just like every killer, but as you rank up he does become weaker. Obviously not as weak as some other killers, but not as strong to be in the higher ranks. I feel that they should make his chains more durable, and switch one of his purple add-ons so that the chains don't break through walls or objects. I think the biggest buff he needs though is the box. I feel that survivors shouldn't be able to see the aura all the way across the map but rather, at a certain distance if 30-50 meters. Same for pinhead as well, I feel that he should also be able to see the box but at a shorter distance than that of survivors. His being 15-20. I also feel that when a survivor grabs the box it should only take away half of the chain meter rather than all of it, and that solving it will reset the chain meter completely. While also holding the box it pauses the holders chain meter, while chains also torment the holder, but while someone is holding the box though it doesn't pause the other survivors chain meters. I also feel that they should change the iridescent box add-on so that it tremendously takes a while to open the box and opening it gives the user the exposed status effect, as well as holding it gives the user the incapacitated status effect too. I also feel that the survivors should be able to drop the box whenever they so choose, but leaving the box on the ground for a certain time after picking it up from it original spawned location will cause the box it disappear and spawn again, at a random location. For the chains I believe that more than three should be able to attach to the survivors and that it should take longer for the chains to break.

  6. When he’s in the gateway it shouldn’t last that long to get a Survivor when you doing the summoning chain it’s literally forever he can hit anybody with unlimited time that’s what’s OP about it

  7. I think he needs the same buff the Twins need – don’t let survivors do their actions while afflicted by the chains/Victor. Make them intimidating in chases. Give them some pressure. You’d think they would learn by now

  8. I wonder if even a simple change like when you land with your power they have to break 5 chains instead of 3 would be enough. There is so many times where if they escape because they break chains instantly, but if they had to break 2 more it would be more interesting. That or like you said just make them harder to break.

  9. It feels like they are so scared of making the killers too strong that they started turning out mediocre/bad killers every time now. I really like the Hellraiser concept, and dude looks super intimidating unlike other recent killers

  10. I think if more and more chains spawned the longer you held the box then this could bring more of a risk factor to it. Right now its a minor inconvenience to hold it but nothing to threatening. He definitely has the potential to be a good killer with just a few tweaks

  11. Just seen an interesting perk combo for him. Hoarder and franklins: hoarder notifies you when they pick the box up and franklins can make them drop it and allow use to use the box yourself. this could be quite good for dealing with survivors who try to hold the box hostage

  12. The length of the chains holding them should be stronger depending on distance. Either distance of the portal to you, or distance the chain travelled from the portal when you shot it.
    Rewards hits over large distances instead of making them basically useless. And on loops you can attempt to place to portal further away to increase the time to hit survivors.

  13. I always try to land the blue marker exactly on top of the survivor because it reduces their time to dodge, and it reduces the amount of time I'm standing still, so I lose less distance.

  14. Turn iridescent Fang add on into BASE KIT. Make the chains harder to break, make it so Pin doesn’t break his chains. Make the Box harder to solve. Fix his lunge, make his teleport closer to the Box’s vicinity. Make his ability faster/easier to handle.

  15. Pinhead fits well in the game and his chase music is actually "horror movie" sounding. For me it's a nice change of pace for a game that is "survivor horror". He truly needs a big buff though

  16. Hey Tru3! What do you think of the idea to no longer show the puzzle box to survivors and instead play it's melody (that only the survivors hear) in a certain radius around it. That way the survivors will actually have to waste time looking for the box to break the chain hunt.

  17. I think what would make the cenobite better is if instead of stopping and controlling the chain, he just chooses where it spawns outright and it automatically goes for a survivor so that he doesn’t lose time in a chase and it makes the ability better.

  18. When you hold the box, your aura should be visible, you should not be able to do gens and more and more chains should stop you until you can barely move so at some point you need to solve it


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