CANT LET HER GO NOW! – Dead by Daylight!

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13 thoughts on “CANT LET HER GO NOW! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. The amount of safe/god pallets in The Game is crazy. I used to never realize it playing Survivor but when you play Killer you start feeling just how powerful that map is for survivors. Especially those who just run to every damn pallet and camp to just drop it lol.

  2. I don't think sliding is that strong anyway. Survivors already get slowed down before they vault a pallet anyway. I'd rather they fix the safe loops instead altering pallet vaulting

  3. Windows 100% need to be blocked after 3 vaults. But because you can break pallets, I don’t think it’s necessary. I would rather see fast/medium/slows vaults added to pallets. Having to angle yourself just like vaulting a window would be nice especially for nasty loops


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