Cheap Survivor Tactics… ~Dead by Daylight~

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Survivors will do survivor things.
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29 thoughts on “Cheap Survivor Tactics… ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. Ive had that happen to me where you cant pick them up when they go down at the gen, its so irratating. However there is a glitch for hex totems, if they spawn on that red tractor its uncleansable. Twice ive known where ruin was and I could not cleanse it so killer had free ruin for the entire game. Also a glitch where 3 sided gens have invisible walls and you only have 1 side that can be worked on.

  2. Yes I agree that "tactic" is cheap.
    But as a player who plays both killers and survivors almost equally, I think your play style is kinda cheap too, Camping hooks and items and totally relying on the survivors decision, Is not a sign of a good killer player.

    Relying on wether they are too greedy to come back for thier items or if they are good teammates who come for the unhooks and rescue their friends to get your downs, is a poor play style

    So if survivors made other decisions like: just do gens forget about the one on the hook, then open the gates and immediately escape. You would be lucky if you get your second kill.

    So it's basically what survivors decide that determines your final score?!?!

    you can call it a "strategy" or whatever you want. But its still cheap at least to me😕

  3. They keep justifying changes they make/are not willing to make with the shittiest excuses yet something as simple as the key that is known for such a long time to cause issues in the community can not be addressed at all? And as if the amount of issues this game has wasnt already troubeling enough, they keep cutting events here, breaking stuff there to then drop an unfinished dlc? Did no one ever tell them higher player numbers mean more potential sales? I mean someone up ther has to have a plan. What is it? Milking the game for one or two more years to then move on? Nothing else comes to mind honestly..

  4. That's a bug with the generator, not a feature if you slug a survivor that was is working on a gen it doesn't give you the pick up option, it can also happen with totems and on the rare occasion when a survivor vaults although I haven't experienced it in a while now with either of those.

  5. SC in a different video: There is counterplay to hagtraps at a hook. Wait until she leaves the hook and crouch to not trigger the trap.
    Also SC: Leaving every survivor that tries to get him away from the hook to chase the survivor away, that is doing exactly that.

  6. Amazing gameplay! You are really knowledgeable and effective killer. Do you perhaps know what you should do when all the survivors are down and they have weird tricks? I would also really like to see how you handled the situation. great work, I really enjoy the perk analysis videos.

  7. Played against a hag I was her only down all games she proceeded to trap me up like a crazed mad woman and nodded at me. In the moment I knew they would come and my team did.. Guess what she 4ked because of their mistake does the data show this?! It should right?

  8. Hey! Kinda a baby hag. How the heck do you deal with swf teams who (when you're in chase with another) purposely wreck all my traps. I find it quite unfair because they will run around my "nest" and trigger most of them because they probs see me and locations for traps are fairly obvious. I don't want to just slug everyone but that seems to be the best option for it.

  9. The salty survivors in the comments are hilarious. I play both equally and survivors tend to be extreentitled. I bough Freddy at the same time as base game bc i love the nightmare on elm street series. Apparently, playing my fave character (i just pretend it's Robert Englund) is a cardinal sin.

    Playing hag or spirit is cheap.

    Badass nurses will be accused of camping. A competent nurse….camping….riiiiight.

    I get bullied just because I want to play my favorite characters so entitled survivors need to chill out with their made up "rules"


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