Chucky 180 Flick Tutorial | Dead by Daylight

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hope this helps πŸ’™

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47 thoughts on “Chucky 180 Flick Tutorial | Dead by Daylight”

  1. It’s so difficult flicking in tight corridors unlike blight. Even Oni I think has a slight advantage because if you land your flick close enough it will usually auto aim hit the survivor

  2. Do I have to release the M2 at the end of the flick or mid-flick? Numi suggested me with Oni to do it mid-flick and when I practiced with that killer it worked, I'm not sure about Chucky tho and want to fix my "overflick" issue that happens sometimes πŸ™

  3. You don't need to do crazy flicks with chucky. His control in slice and dice is pretty good and because hes small you can fake one way and come round the other at loops much easier than oni in my opinion

  4. I have been pc for a while now. 180 is unfair. I dont think any killer should be able to 180, not if console cant. On top of that is someone rounds a corner before you can reach them, it takes away all skill expression or results from the survivor making the right choice. Its like if you call out an oni 50/50 on a filler pallet and he 180 you anyways.

  5. Its disgusting to see that people rather prefer to play with high dpi just for doing theses kind of stupid movement … honestly I didn't launch the game since chucky release but if people start playing chucky like blight I feel like i'm gonna alt+f4 every loading match with the "tips against good guy"

  6. I've been practicing it isn't good in every loop, but on loops where you can it feels so good and looks so damn broken. πŸ˜‚ Definitely a p100 worthy killer. I gotta finish my Merchant and I can get to him.

  7. I did several tests with different sensitivities and also using the controller. At 400 DPI the 180 is not perfect and turns out to be a 150. To create an effective and consistent 180 I had to opt for 800 DPI and the use of the Q and E keys where I linked the rotation of the camera to 100% sensitivity of the controller . To summarize, to make a consistent 180 I use 800 DPI while performing the flick and at the same time hold down the Q or E button throughout the process. Furthermore I also tested 500 and 600 DPI, but the 180 is not very good, and 1600 DPI where you just need to rotate the mouse slightly to perform a 180 or even more. I also got a 270 this way.

  8. Hey crohmbs I dont know if you have noticed yet but having lower frame rate makes it easier to do and is possible to do even further then a 180. Another thing related to the framerates is also Chucky hugtechs, they are faster and go further the lower your frame rate just like Wesker.

  9. I'm not sure if Crohmbs or anyone would like to elaborate, but to simplify the timing to my dumb dumb idiot brain, am I letting go off M2 after flicking or during the flick?

    Because I am struggling to understand the timing, I only wanna learn it for the funny, I don't want to bring it into any matches.


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