Coming Back From The Brink Of Defeat!! – Dead by Daylight

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15 thoughts on “Coming Back From The Brink Of Defeat!! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don’t understand how you killer mains stay so calm lol I’m already like well ggs when that door opens. Them being altruistic helps but still you turned it around so quick.

  2. * Sorry. Huge comment about current Hillbilly, Old Hillbilly, and Old Freddy. *

    I used to play HillBilly a fair amount. Not as much as some others but still a fair amount.. I was one of those Skybilly players. But when they removed the stuff for it.. I just stopped playing Hillbilly almost all together.. I now only play Hillbilly if I have a daily or a rift challenge that requires him. I just feel a bit betrayed that I took the time to really learn the killer inside and out just to have the fun way to play taken out. ( I can play Normal Hillbilly just fine, I just do not like doing so. I liked the skill that skybilly required and I got used to it. Not being able to do it now just saps the fun from playing him for me. )

    Its like Freddy for me.. I used to love playing Freddy when he had his original power.. But his rework killed him for me.. I still play him but I just do not like how his power works now overall.

    For those who do not know, his original power was a blessing and a curse.. Without addons it took 7 seconds to pull someone into the dream world, and you could not harm them unless they where in the dream world.. However if they fail a skill check they could seriously damage the gen they where on as a drawback. Freddy also got to see the auras of survivors who are outside his terror radius. The ones inside his terror radius also had a kind of aura but its not.. Quite a aura… Its like that white sheen you see with Dredge when the night is active. Perks like insidious made his aura reading godlike. However I was one of those wierdos who liked running "Iron Freddy". Meaning no perks, no addons, and only BP offerings where allowed. So no mori.. Although back then Mori could be activated before the death hook stage.. But since its now death hook only I think allowing that would have been fine if old Freddy was brought back.. Honestly I still prefer the old Freddy. I think he just need a small tweak that is all.

    The 7 second timer for putting them to sleep caused a lot of issues. It could be cut down to 4 seconds with addons but that is still 4 seconds. At the time it basically meant that Freddy would not be able to do anything in endgame unless the survivors really screwed up. ( This was due to how easy it was to break out of the dream world overall, and the fact that 7 seconds was more than enough time to get the exit gate open and leave before Freddy could down you. ) So the timer was very problematic for the killer. People thought he was weak due to this and he was considered beyond F tier.. I admit even I seen him like that at first.. But two things made me change my mind and seriously play Freddy back then.. Endgame was just not Freddy's thing fully back then.. He was.. Ok if you used perks for it but there was issues against a smart team. The big thing though was his early and mid game play. The aura reading was very, very important. That plus he could force players to fail skillchecks on gens to break dream state.. So the survivors would slow the gen repair speed down for him.

    One. I seen a high end Freddy player ( Extremely rare to see. Freddy mains that make it into high end play are like finding a Unicorn. ) as well as seen another person do Iron challenges.. I decided that if I was to get better at the game, I need to not only do the Iron Challenge, I need to play Freddy and get better with him as well. I also did the Iron Challenge a lot with Wraith around this time as well… Doing this really forced me to get better at the game in general. Hell I eventually started facing high end SWF groups at the time.. This included the "Depip Squad" .. I would get beaten by them a fair amount at first but then I got to where even they had a hard time going against my Iron Freddy. Eventually was winning most of my matches against them and other high end SWF groups.. This I oddly miss despite some things being hell to deal with. I really wonder how the old Freddy would do with the current balance/meta/perks in the game now. Still think he needs a tweak with how he pulls people into the Dream world but other than that.. I think the old Freddy would be a terror. At least in the right hands anyway.


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