Coolest Things from PTB 4.6.0 | Dead by Daylight

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Showing some of the coolest things in The Trickster’s PTB, all neatly packed in this convenient video.

0:00 New Killer’s mori animation
0:20 Menu animations
0:35 Exploding knife add-on
0:53 Bodyblocking potential
1:10 Starstruck exposing range
2:32 Blight’s fixed POV
3:28 Wraith’s new max speed
5:15 No Way Out + Rancor
6:09 Survivor & Killer lore reading

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


26 thoughts on “Coolest Things from PTB 4.6.0 | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree with Otz that Trickster's backstory was well written. I thought it was pretty interesting; it's clear they put a lot of thought behind it. Despite this, however, I still don't really appreciate his concept much. I'm not a fan of modern day k-pop or its singers, and I certainly don't like what is, from my point of view, an invasion of pop culture into DBD just to appeal to a specific audience.
    To be completely fair, you can make this same argument with any licensed killer, considering they ALL come from modern day popular media with their own audiences. But at least the licensed killers come from specific franchises that all fall under the same type, namely, horror themed modern day media that obviously goes well with a horror themed game. Trickster seems more like a love letter to the k-pop genre as a whole packaged as a killer and shoehorned into the game, though having said this I think they did a pretty good job doing that. At least they didn't half-ass it and knew exactly what they were going for, which I can respect.

    His throwing knives are cool as shit, though. Just wish I didn't have to look at him. Maybe a skin or two would fix that.

  2. Otz "sorry the game looks weird testing colour blind settings (turns off color blind mode) wow! That's a big change" me who can't see a change at all 😅😐😶

  3. I feel like the one guy that just doesn't like the new killer. I think his mori is lame, his ability is fun but overall weak, his name doesn't fit him, he just doesn't fit the DBD aesthetic.

  4. That perk , smash hit , needs a buff , getting a stun can be difficult and sometimes impossible if the killer respects pallets , and for just a sprint burst? Why not just run sprint burst ? It's far more available, and dont get me started on how you can still get hit after stunning the killer at the same time , they need to make it a 5 second sprint instead of 3 and the cool down should be 35 seconds instead of 40 . Or even better , 5 seconds of sprinting and you leave no scratch marks in that time , THAT would be a good exhaustion perk.

  5. I love the new killer. Bout time they added a killer that's actually fun in both gameplay, story, and looks. "He doesn't fit!" That's the great thing about him though. He stands out. We don't need another killer that's basically a carbon copy of the others when it comes to style. If the game stuck with the same dull aesthetic it would get boring. Also even if he did fit in, the community would still be bitching about him.

  6. Tbh, the synergy between the killer and the survivor is sooo much better then any other.
    I like how their stories are intertwined and connected on such a deep level, making their chemistry so profound and interesting.

  7. #Question
    Does mettle of man get a stack for each Hit with a Blade, because a Blade counts as a Hit so technically Mettle of man should ready Up in Like 2 Seconds If you are next to an injured Survivor???
    If the trickster hits a near Person and you have that new Survivor Perk (which gives you No Scratch Marks), your Perk gets activated, because the blades counts as an Hit.
    Could anyone Test this and awnser me if this is a think??? If mettle of man is op against him????


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