"CRINGE" Dead by Daylight

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“CRINGE” Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “"CRINGE" Dead by Daylight”

  1. Was a close game. Well played. Shame they went the salty route. I mean I get it if it's a nurse/blight but playing the knight? No one should be salty. He is an m1 killer with a slow anti loop.

  2. Hats off to that Guy for Introducing the new name of dead hard

    THE "BRAINDEAD HARD" ngl this name fits perfectly Like it's both ironic and explains reality and facts

    And that question of yours has a rather obvious answer as well: You say who made them the boss. The answer is The ones who made the game obviously. When you try to do something unique by breaking the rules it has risks and deadly consequences

    For example They thought that it's funny if they make survivors superior to killer which is completely nonsense according to pretty much all of the 80's and 90's horror movies

    So they took the risk and destroyed the killer and still destroying the killer but at what cost? They lost their killer main players-they lost players who believe in equality of roles- They lost people to this toxicity that was made by themselves

    Now some people stay for unique genre or probably icons or maybe the visuals and outfits but now they're so hopeless that they add bots to their game so they won't go bankrupt So this is what happens when you Fuck up a side of game A side that YOU made it

  3. It’s sad having this „chase the same survivor until he’s dead“ meta but based on how the game‘s going with gen rushers right now I don’t regret doing it as a killer and I’m glad it happens when I’m survivor lol

  4. I think it's funny that so many people complain about Killers "not following the Survivor rulebook". So…the Survivors get to make the rules? Says friggin' who? If the Survivors get a "rulebook", then so does the Killer. And they play by their own rules. Done deal. 🙂

  5. To have 190 hours in 2 weeks, sleeping at least 6 hours a night, gives a person just above 4 hours a day after sleeping and playing to do LITERALLY everything else. Dude has no life lol

  6. That "cringe" was indeed pretty hillarious. It's the perfect example of survivors thinking you SHOULD follow them in their bait chase instead of defending the gen.


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