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Still waiting for an Automaton Berserker to be added
1 vs 16 but the killer get to instantly kill survivor when downed.
Thr teleporation cage is dop, will prevent camping. Thus will waste killers time trying to find the teleported survivor. This is something I've been asking in the regular game mode, and I'm a killer main
I'm hyped for this mode sadly I'll only have a week to play it.
I’m on console and i don’t see the mode any where who else is having the same issues problem
I can’t believe that this is limited time only
I wonder if the 2 killers can be the same.
Where my doctors nurse combo man
13 gens present, 8 must be completed. Killers cannot choose perks or their build. Seems fun.
I just don’t understand why they would develop something and release it for two weeks then potentially removing it after. Doesn’t make any business sense to lose all that effort. Just keep it in the game!
Imagine nurse and huntress collab
Yo comes out on my birthday same as nick cage did last year
Billy and blight racing around the map:
It should be 10 gens instead of 8