@Dead by Daylight 5 year anniversary event BUGS ALREADY! #Shorts

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#Shorts #DBD #5YearEvent #DBDBugs


37 thoughts on “@Dead by Daylight 5 year anniversary event BUGS ALREADY! #Shorts”

  1. Im sorry but, i wish people would be grateful for what we have. Lots of other games do the same things each yearly event, and we're lucky there is even a slight difference each year. No game is perfect, and when something new comes out there is going to be bugs. We cant expect a perfect, polished event when they cant test it with the playerbase as it should be a suprise. Please, can we just enjoy the game. If you hate it, dont spread negativity or talk about how unreasonable that, ''THE NEW EVENT ISM'T A COMPLETELY NEW AND INTRESTING CHANGE!''

  2. No one cares but Idc I uninstalled this game a few moments ago. Really disappointed stuff. I started playing this game when it came out free on PSN in 2018. My friend got the game and I felt like playing too and since then never stopped, played a few hours every day and I can say I have over 3k hours. It was always fun learning stuff and playing against good people in both roles and I like that in DbD. I got the crazy mania of reading every patch notes and my, so many bugs and bugs and fixes for bugs they made. Ps4 framerate going mad. Last year what pissed me off a lot was the "hill glitch" that took A MONTH and killers would abuse that and as a killer i hate literally go out my way and help the survivor. Then twins patch and now this. This is the only game I brought dlcs cuz most of the time the other games you dont need to keep up with things like perks. This makes me sad cuz feels like a waste of time when devs pretend to be oblivious to their fanbases but cant blame them for making people like me staying for this long. It is what it is. But upsets me this time with RE chapter. Oh well good luck everybody in the fog and still plays this game, thanks for the news my dude, have been watching you since that stupid yet unnecessary drama. Here, take my subscription! Sorry for the rant everybody (and bad english too)

  3. Why can't they ever do anything right. Still no raccoon city map and now this. They get rid of old events to focus on bigger evens when its just a copy and paste from last year. This the only game I know that does this bs and are so fucking slow to fix anything. Most games end up getting the bugs fixed the next day or 2 and they are big game breaking bugs. When it happens in dbd, it takes damn near a month

  4. "We're gonna stop working on other events so we can focus more on halloween and anniversary event" then they release this garbage. smfh. literally the same as last year AND its buggy as shit? idk why i get excited anymore, all BHVR seems to do these days is disappoint everyone.

  5. This event is so depressing; Nothing works so its all just a few drab balloons on gens and hooks. What are they even doing year round if these are the events they're focusing on?

  6. Was that Killers or Survivors? Because I've been getting at least one if not 3-4 cakes per killer web.
    This happened last year too, the Survivor webs are clogged by their anniversary items, but the only one killers can get are cakes.


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