Dead by Daylight Animation | Clown De-Aged renders.

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Animations Rendered in Blender using Eevee.

This was a fun to do and got to learn a lot.

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41 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Animation | Clown De-Aged renders.”

  1. Fun fact: Kenneth Chase aka Clown was a pretty athletic guy, he wasn't always fat
    He became fat because he took drugs, junk food and watched porn to try to get rid of his bloodlust
    It did not work, and that's why he's so fat
    If only someone was there to love him, if only someone was there to tell him what's wrong or right, he wouldn't have become this

  2. PLEASE GIMME. As a clown main, i'd pay good money for this skin, you should have him where his default cosmetic with his young self, I wonder what that would look like


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