Dead by Daylight: Archive Cutscenes | Tome 15 – ASCENSION

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35 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight: Archive Cutscenes | Tome 15 – ASCENSION”

  1. Yeah I still want skull merchant to just not be ingame. I mean she looks dumb, she plays dumb and even her mori is so incredibly bland. Just get rid of the whole “it’s a woman who likes comic book shit” and just make a terminator killer you pansies. Or at the very least make it a woman who viciously operated on her own self to be some sort of chimeric mechanical monstrosity, not some cosplayer with way to much free time.

  2. They're really trying to ram Skull Merchant down our throats.
    Wish they would just admit her design is shit and start looking at a way to change it. A violent cutscene does nothing if it isn't reflected in her gameplay. That's meant to be what matters.

  3. Dbd Devs be like “make up for our mistakes by releasing a tome dedicated to the latest chapter. Forget making tomes for the Oni or Feng.”

  4. Lol so garbage. You’d have to be insanely strong and have an extremely sharp blade to cut someone through the rib cage and straight up the spine.


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