Dead by Daylight | Around the Campfire

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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.

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30 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight | Around the Campfire”

  1. fogwhisperers are just their little lovers… the term carries a bad scent of foul and rot…
    the game as a lot of problems and fogwhisperers just keep it all "oh its allright, everything is fine"

    "Around the Campfire" is literally jus them playing… this has no reason to exist…

    FIX THE GAME you lazy bastards!

  2. This game is heavily survivor favorite…besides nurse and blight they aren't many killers who can compete with the top, and most end up camping, or the survivor bullying the killer…it seems the devs just shines new killers to the audience and expect us to Clapp like mindless seals and forget how in balance the game is💀

  3. developers are so trash at their own game and even those twitch streams that claim to have been playing for a while, mfs failing skillchecks, crouch walking across the map and dropping pallets like spasticates

  4. hey devs if you're reading this add a damn ping MS counter that fully displays on the screen while playing like a fps counter and not having to press esc key each time to see ping ms if it's lagging, also fix your damn servers it getting laggy with each updates.

  5. Why do ordinary players have to suffer from politics, why can't I just buy your game. Even on the official website!(((After all, nothing in this world depends on me at all! I really like your game and I don’t even know how to buy it now! This proves how much you want to get into the politics of foreign countries of the world!

  6. Another stream of devs who don't know how to code the game, play the game, moderate the community, or interact with them… what do you crooks do again?

  7. If u give surviors base kit bt u should give killers base kit Corrupt plus only reason why we camp because u nerf killers way two hard ( if u play killer u would know but we all know u don’t) want cut down on dc make it so there is a give up button I actually want u two prove me wrong we all know u won’t buff killers true does not offend people I have a disabled he thought me a lot in dbd it’s sad not having him as fog whisper

  8. Death by forced giggles by god she annoys the life out me and the sheep whisper simps that live under dictatorship propaganda BS and you wonder why the game is a mess when you follow these fools… With nobodies from the community why are people liking this???


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