Dead By Daylight Character Controversy "The Unknown" Voice Actor Wants Reparations!

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Dead By Daylight Character Controversy “The Unknown” Voice Actor Wants Reparations!

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39 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Character Controversy "The Unknown" Voice Actor Wants Reparations!”

  1. Sounds fishy tbh. Who the f is Z. A.? A nobody that's suddenly being harassed? How does anybody even know who they are?? You play Skyrim? Name me one VA from that game. How does anybody know ZA's name?

    Also, actors, please stop self identifying with your characters. It's called a-c-t-i-n-g.

  2. I’ll be shocked if this person’s voice acting career will be the same after this. All she is doing is making a working environment harder for herself / others around her. Living with such pettiness, the type of stress what comes with that. Well…the stress helps kill you just as quick as it kills your contacts what helped pave your career path 😮

  3. I mean, the actor had no idea it'd look like this, only that it was amorphous and needed a male and female voice. Though, the bitching is crazy. If you're saying it's a stereotype, you're openly admitting SO many things about yourself that are much less flattering than being a twisty man, a creepy cheerleader, and a horribly deformed old lady.
    As usual, these bozos are putting the 'L' in 'LGBTQ+' and further pushing themselves into a negative light. Hopefully, they just continue screwing themselves to the point of losing their status in the "important things the world needs to focus on" so we can refocus on the bigger issues.

  4. I think it's time to introduce some harsh reality back into their dainty Imaginary World Bubble.
    It's time to remind them how much of a "minority" they really are. In fact, the word "Minority" should have no application to that group.

  5. It's a fucking alien monster creature with unknown origin & lore, capable of shapeshifting and imitating a person's voice
    It represents fuck all in the real world

  6. No such thing as a 'trans' person, this person is a crossdresser(technically trans, aka a transvestite, as it always used to be called, until plebs started thinking trans was a gender identity a few years back, nope). Man as a woman, that is a crossdresser Nate. Not bashing you mate, but i would just say a man dressing up, nothing more. No problem with that, its a hobby, something they like doing. But them saying it like its their identity, they need to stop that rubbish. Men or women, nothing more(i know some lovely people, who are gay or even straight, that crossdress, but they don't go along with this trans as a identity crap, neither will i). You never hear either now of ladies being tomboys, not aloud either i suppose to the under 1% of society.

  7. Bro, where does BHVR get their voice actors from? One turned out to be a pedophile and this person is just playing victim and bhvr has nothing to do with that, just bruh…

  8. Why can't we just have nice things that aren't being ruined by some INCOMPETENT RETARD FOR ONCE????

    Same day: "Don't listen to the words i actually used, because that's misconstruing for your own narrative. Leave this thing that I brought out into the public eye for my own benefit alone."

  10. The woke community need to shut the hell up nowadays… they have no problems and not issues in todays society so they need to make their own… if they can take down other communities with them, they will.

    This as a gay man who fucking hates woke Culture, nothing but victims who’s emotions dictate their entire lives… get a grip on reality and sort our own problems out, don’t make them everyone else’s.

  11. It's gotta be a pisstake right lol

    Every thing said, was directly contradicted within the next paragraph or two lol
    – Which is it, is it good for the community and attracting them to the play the game or is it transphobic and a repulsive move by the company -?? lol

  12. Reparations makes no sense, but the character is a bit of a dig lets not lie. They could have made them aware about the shit. Its not far fetched to understand their perspective…

    They walked back their statement as they took a second to understand…Yet they’re an “idiot, dunce”

    Very Closed this time, of someone who genuinely brilliant at voicing perspectives & works very well arguing devils advocate to this. Yet informative as usual, overall disagree or agree good video

  13. First the hate over Leatherface's "Hateful masks", to this now?
    World – can we just, sit down…have a big fat cup of *QUIT YOUR FUCKIN' BITCHING!!*

    I may distain the game, and it's college students with a fetish for getting people to like the game, even going as far as putting license stuff in just to guinea pig our mentality even more…but COME ON. Quit bitching over common sense related aspects put into the game, to do with life in general! If you want Leatherface to have more masks, weather it's white or black – fine, if you want a Transgender, non-binary or whatever 9999 types of genders are in – fine, but – IGNORE THE HATERS! What are they going to do? It's your game, you do you! If you let hyenas with no life or no money bitch on social media, let them, in fact, let them rot on their keyboards and screens, god forbid if they even touched grass!


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