The Presidential Dead by Daylight Tournament (Part 1)

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Join Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush in an epic Dead by Daylight tournament as they face off against the sinister Puppetmaster and his minions. With alliances forming and tactics evolving, it’s a thrilling gaming spectacle that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Can the presidents defeat the Puppetmasters and emerge victorious? Watch now to find out!

This video is a lighthearted, satirical video created purely for entertainment and laughs. None of the figures featured in this video are real, and all visuals and voices have been generated using AI tools, particularly Eleven Labs. Our aim is to provide viewers with a fun and fictional take on the concept of former U.S. Presidents facing off in a video game scenario, without any intention to offend or spread false information. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the humorous antics in this satirical spin on Dead by Daylight!

🎶 Background Music:
– Fighting for You by Trevor Kowalski:

– Warning Signal by Max Anson:

– Shuffle n’ Scuffle by Isaac Larson:


27 thoughts on “The Presidential Dead by Daylight Tournament (Part 1)”

  1. BRO WHAT I JUST STARTED THE VIDEO AND YOUR GOATED BROMANCE WRITING ALREADY HITTING HARD DAWG WITH THAT SAD OST everyone need a motivational Barrack rn like how he spoke to George at the start

  2. Awesome avatar pics.
    I do find the whole philosophical view of regarding non-human entities with rights equal to humanity to be absurd. That debate is coming IRL sooner or later as AI continues to advance.

  3. I'm so hyped for part 2! I love that you have lore mixed in the video, like it's not just them playing the game every video, you've been very transformative with the content. 1st video, classic dbd match, then killer ranking, then Michelle trying to make them suffer in the game, a survivor ranking, and now the dbd tournament with the ai minds of past presidents on Bill's team. I can't wait to see where the series goes next!


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