Dead By Daylight Clown Changes Gameplay, Rank Rewards, Undying, UI, Movement Changes and more!

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Dead By Daylight Clown Changes Gameplay, Rank Rewards, Undying, UI, Movement Changes and more!
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44 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Clown Changes Gameplay, Rank Rewards, Undying, UI, Movement Changes and more!”

  1. Please don’t let the hud update, or at least make it optional. They should just show the hook indicator under the portraits and replace the portraits with the character icon. Please, this hud looks awful.

  2. lol for me clown "rework" is rather a debuff to him. both tonic and antidote may neutralize them if not paid 100 % attention to where you threw them and might even neutralize cause u have extending addons for the area of effect. plus u might even end up speeding up survivors who can loop u even better now. in a way denying the loop was clowns only strength imo though most survivors just throw pallets in advance so you don't get anything out of it so looping isn't a bonus for clown. so if u on top of that even speed up survivors haha. that's a fucking nerf to me and make him even less viable than before. also i can already see suvivors abusing this by u throwing the bottle to catch up to them and they turning around and dead hard through u to get the speed boost and even run away from u faster LOL. trapper rework is a good thing in the right direction i guess, but considering how fast the loading bar for trying to escape is u kinda shred through even 6 attempts pretty easily and fast lol. the bar to free urself took like 1 second each try. even if u needed 5 or 6 attempts which now even have a higher chance of escaping would take roughly 5 to 6 seconds. if somebody stepped onto ur trap all over the map u r still veeery unlikely to make it there in time even if the survivor had bad luck and needed around 6 tries 😀 that's kinda sad. i like the wraith rework though since ppl could track the wraith waaay to easy and then even uncloak him by using a flashlight. furthermore just one attempt and ur hex undying is gone thus leading to only having to cleanse the next lid hex totem and boom u lost two perks as a killer lol and it's already gg cause you most likely don't have any other perk to slow down gen progress 😀 how long does it take again to cleanse a totem? max. 8 seconds or even less? how many ppl might just run totem cleansing perks to get rid off lid totems fast? many! exactly! that makes undying + ruin unviable now and u gotta change to bbq and pop with no other choice of reliable gen regression…good job devs!

  3. I’m so happy for the update and do you guys get these weird glitches like when you invite your friend to a party but when you get ready and they get ready but they say they can’t see that your ready or when you join in there party but they can’t see you if you know how to fix this glitch plz plz

  4. Clown re-work is trash. It's a support ability that uses bottes. That speed up is very short. So it's not for "map-pressure". And if you use it for that. Your throwing away bottles that you will have to re-load. Which wastes 3 seconds. So you can't use it for map traversal. And it's just another ability for 1 on 1. But Clown doesn't need help 1 on 1. He's already good at that. This re-work is unnecessarily complicated. And works like a stupid ability what that 2 second delay.


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