Dead By Daylight| Dead Hard & Healing Nerf! Autohaven rework! PTB next week! March Developer Update!

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Dead By Daylight posted a developer update on their official forums today, detailing what to expect in the next mid-chapter patch. These include the bloodweb changes, Autohaven maps reworks for the Realm Beyond project, accessibility options with the visual terror radius option, balance changing nerfs and buffs to perks like Dead Hard, Boon Circle of Healing, Call of Brine, Scourge Hook Pain Resonance! On top of that they announced the PTB (public test build) is coming next week for the new mid chapter! Let’s read all about it here together in the blog post.

Here’s the link to the blog post on the official Dead By Daylight forums if you want to read about it yourself:

What do you think about these upcoming changes? Let me know in the comments!

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Xidax PC video part 1:

Xidax PC part 2:

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43 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Dead Hard & Healing Nerf! Autohaven rework! PTB next week! March Developer Update!”

  1. Dead By Daylight posted a developer update on their official forums today, detailing what to expect in the next mid-chapter patch. These include the bloodweb changes, Autohaven maps reworks for the Realm Beyond project, accessibility options with the visual terror radius option, balance changing nerfs and buffs to perks like Dead Hard, Boon Circle of Healing, Call of Brine, Scourge Hook Pain Resonance! On top of that they announced the PTB (public test build) is coming next week for the new mid chapter! Let's read all about it here together in the blog post.

    Here's the link to the blog post on the official Dead By Daylight forums if you want to read about it yourself:

    What do you think about these upcoming changes? Let me know in the comments!

    Thanks for watching!

    Thanks to all your support we've finally reached that elusive 100,000 YouTube subscribers milestone and I've filled out the application for the silver PLAY button from YouTube to give to my son. Thank you for all your help. Obviously none of this happens without you. My son is going to be so excited when it arrives. To infinity and beyond! If you're one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn't subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.

    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

    Dead by Daylight | Download and Buy Today – Epic Games Store

    What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

    If you'd like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes:

    Paulie Esther merch is here? What? How did this happen?

    My PC is a special Dead By Daylight custom PC made by Xidax. You can watch these videos here about the PC and it's specs and the journey to get it made. Also if you're in the market for a new PC, visit Xidax using my link and enter code "PAULIE" at checkout to let them know that Paulie Esther sent you!

    Xidax PC video part 1:

    Xidax PC part 2:

    Want to send me some snail mail? I have a Post Office Box set up now!





    If you enjoyed this video, please consider giving us a like and a subscribe. And ring that notification bell like a Wraith to get up the minute alerts when I post new videos! 🙂

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    #DeadByDaylight #ToolsOfTorment

  2. So they continuously nerfed the healing boon until it was trash. It doesn’t even make sense. Why not just make it to where once a killer snuffs it out you can’t bless that totem again? Now it’s basically a medkit add on that helps your teammates and not yourself, so why would I take a perk slot for that? I don’t use dead hard, but it’s stupid to only be able to be used after unhooking someone, not to save yourself in a chase. They keep nerfing all survivor perks and items and buffing killers. It’s already practically unplayable for me with all the campers and tunnelers and so many strong killer perks and add ons and weak survivor perks and items.
    A majority of killers use fear monger and sloppy now, so where are those nerfs, making them useless? Oh right.

  3. Honestly these changes are kinda juicy and I like them. I think this will definitely help the game and 3gen meta. I hope so, fingers crossed.🤞🏽😙💯❤️ nice vid Paulie!!
    Edit: small concern, anti heal builds should be adjusted or a basekit bond should be implemented if healing yourself is going to take hit. That’s just my opinion, but I’ll trust and be patient, because the devs are on a good roll with this one.

  4. Last time on Dead by Daylight…in their infinite wisdom (and probably with whispers from the entity) they made it much longer and harder to complete gens, now let's destroy the effectiveness of healing in the game and while we are at it, let's reduce what the flashlight can do, shall we. Since they already tossed the key in the dumpster with changing when the hatch can spawn, next up should be the toolbox, where you will probably need to run around the map and collect the tools for said box in order for it to work. If that's not enough, how about we buff some killers, the Entity has to eat right? Not happy at all since most of these changes are focused on killers taking down SWF, killing solo queue one update at a time…

  5. what is the point of nerfing healing when gen s will be done in 5 min and survivors will leave b4 they even needed to be healed so yes this favored survivors

  6. A perfect patch, now I wait for them to buff Dark Devotion, so I may truly play out my favorite theory builds. The tears of both sides will only make this patch even more juicy.

  7. Nerf healing but do nothing to legion or thanat which is what legions all run.
    Literally helping legion players out with that, it’s so killer sided and survivors have been getting nothing but nerfs.
    Unless anniversary has something amazing, I don’t see how Behaviour plans on keeping players.

  8. I'm a killer main and feel the medkit changes are stupid and hopefully they change their mind. They just helped solo survivor which when I play survivor is mostly what I do. But now they put it right back In the toilet. So many things they could do to help balance that isn't a medkit or heal change

  9. It feels like the Boon of Healing is practically useless. Unless you happen to be in a boon to heal your friend, running to a boon to get healed would take up any time you would save with a quicker heal. They should have just slowed down the self healing while in the boon because now the perk isn't worth taking.

  10. I can think of 2 possibilities for future licensed rifts
    A tome that features Ash from Ash vs evil dead🗡
    And a Sadako’s rising rift (They were able to do it with mobile, why can’t they do it with a rift)📼
    And of course I want past characters to have their own tome lore as main characters as well…
    Well we’ll have to wait and see until the Betrayal rift closes

  11. People crying for Dead Hard are funny 😂 remember when y’all said to killers to “get good”? Well I guess it’s time you “get good” now cause you won’t be able to rely on that perk anymore

  12. These healing nerfs are changing the hit and run strategy from high risk/high reward to low risk/high reward. High reward should come with high risk. RIP solo-q experience.

    And I just want Dead Hard to die at this point, because it's going to be a constant fight for unhooks if everyone keeps using it after this update… which of course will mean time wasted in-game.

  13. I said the moment they nerf med kits, was the moment I would REALLY consider uninstalling this game. I really don’t care about dead hard and blah blah — but my medkits … wow. Completely unnecessary

  14. I'm a small/newer streamer on twitch and I love dbd. It was one of my favorite horror games and one of the games I played most. However, between the DDOSing, cheaters, toxicity in the community, how stale the content has been and now they're just ruining the game with these nerfs, completely throwing the games off balance. If things don't get better soon I think I'm going to be better off dropping the game. Which rlly sucks cuz I have all the dlc and loved the game so much. Hopefully something like texas chainsaw massacre or another game are better cuz I've been contemplating just dropping dbd all together at this point.

  15. Killers are use to having to change perks/meta this is the first time in forever (BL) survivors will have to play different after a patch.

    Both sides got over used perks and strategies nerfed I like this patch overall

  16. Thanks for the info, Paulie! You know most (not all) killer mains will now tunnel the unhooked survivor because they do not have dead hard unless they previously unhooked. Instead tunneling will be more prominent. I noticed they didn't touch jolt? I tend to see that perk just as much as I do overcharge. Also, COH nerf was unneeded imo.

  17. This won't affect higher players only lower players but also its gonna cause alot of heat between killer n survivors this game gonna divided the community big time. This gonna cause for solos queues to be more divided no one gonna want to waste there med kits but on themselves and this is gonna start a huge huge problem alots of camping tunneling n survivors gonna start problems w survivors n killers all of this is gonna divided the community big time n cause this game to lose players

  18. Honestly, it sucks that the game I met my husband and best friends on is going in this direction. I never used deadhard so that doesn't really bother me but I don't understand all of the changes being deemed as necessary. Burning the wraith was fun and i never got upset if someone burned me AS wraith. If anything, i laughed at my own stupidity for allowing the survivors the opportunity. Furthermore, I had already pretty much stopped playing the game around when the knight came out and with all of the changes to the game that this ptb is testing… it has finally hit a place where I'm probably uninstalling it. It's actually so disheartening that the changes are so drastic in this one on both sides. I have old clips from like 2017 and 2018 where it shows the old healing speed and stuff and damn, this new healing nerf didn't really feel needed – i wish the newer players would watch the old healing speed and instaheals.

  19. There was no reason to change Circle of Healing. It has already gone through 3 nerfs before this one. Now, all killers have to bring is Franklin's, Nurses Calling, Coulrophobia, distressing etc and that pretty much screws over the hole team from ever being able to heal.

  20. This update is the definition of liberal progressivism let’s just keep changing the game until it’s dead and nobody enjoys playing it well me and my clan are all leaving the game if this comes out if killers are really complaining about dead hard they should learn how to wait it out it’s nearly impossible to pull off anyways can’t believe they nerfing a perk that requires 100% of skill well have fun y’all I’m out ✌🏻

  21. It's already hard enough to get someone to unhook in solo q. The COH nerf, no one, and literally, no one will leave their generator to go meet up and heal a teammate. That logic just doesn't make any sense, and whoever thought that through I hope both sides of their pillows are warm.

  22. Here’s a NOVEL idea… because COD does this with their perks … why don’t we make certain perks have different effect for those in a group as opposed to those playing solo. When the game recognizes that someone is playing with more than just one person, it will automatically have the perks change to their SWF effect; instead of just completely screwing over every survivor ? … I play solo and I DEFINITELY won’t be playing this game at all anymore.


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