Dead By Daylight| Devs stream watch party for the Q&A!

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Dead By Daylight| Devs stream watch party for the Q&A!

Remember, the devs can’t see your questions in my chat. We are merely hearing their responses to predetermined questions.

Will they tell us more about the Gilded Stampede Lunar New Year event?


32 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Devs stream watch party for the Q&A!”

  1. It's so refreshing and nice to see game developers being so involved with the community. I think back when the game was first released, it's crazy ! (when prestiging was the only cosmetic lol!) They have come so far ☺ respect ! ✨🌸✨

  2. I’m so glad Decisive is finally nerfed. It’s been almost five years and I have a little less to worry about while playing killer. I don’t tunnel anyway, but this makes it even better so I don’t have to get ds’d unreasonably.

  3. Wow they completely ignored the question about pig and other weaker killers.

    Maybe the reason why ‘the data’ says Pig performs well, is because most people realise how bad she is, so the only people who play her are people who have mastered her.

    They’re clueless.

  4. DS is now a perk that is balanced. But there is still one problem. You never have near 60 second chases after getting unhooked. Therefore why don’t u just make the time 10 seconds it doesn’t make a difference…

  5. I think the DS change will make surv use the perk more offensive, cuz after they get unhook the will go right to chase the killer to save another surv hit while the perk is activated (its actually use right now btw) making this change it will always use the way I describe, offensive as F and it will be getting annoying as a killer.

  6. The only problem I have with the ds change is the fact that there are gonna be teammates that won't work on generators or heal just to keep ds activated but it's still a great change

  7. You said it Paulie, I feel the same way. I play killer every so often and even play to try and make it fun for survivors but there are still toxic survivors that like to crap on killers no matter how well you do or bad. If the match ends up being a bad match instead of it being a learning experience its more discouraging. I have friends that wont even touch killer due to how negative/toxic survivors can be and its a shame. In the end it should be all about having fun playing rather than turning it into a negative experience. Id say I play killer maybe 40% of the time and 60% towards survivor and do believe that the game is definitely survivor sided 100%.

  8. "it's on the timeline"
    "Got it in the pipeline"
    "It's on the list"
    "It's planned"
    Okay how big is this fucking list. Because it sounds like if you don't want to address it. It's "on the list".

  9. Really giving a killer a penalty for face camping would be boring? Why don't you guys actually play your game before making your decisions. Maybe give them a penalty like gens get done 50 percent faster if they camp the hook stay 10 meters from hook. Also give survivor more blood points if they get camped to death. There is no reason to not suicide if your face camped or tunneled give a reason not to suicide?

  10. Hey Paulie Esther, why whenever i'm about to start my history class I expect my professor to sound like you, just a bit faster. I kinda speed up the lecture but you sound the same lol

  11. People need to give behaviour and team a break. Like we all want all these changes. We all want the mid chapter updates and such. But like this is more on pushing them for time. But like they're still working from home. Be patienttheyre doing there best to try keep both sides happy. Not that I dont agree with the priorities of the changes they make


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