The Hardest DBD Challenge I've done…

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After five months of repeated attempts, I recently completed what is probably the hardest challenge I’ve done in Dead by Daylight yet; the Random Perk Streak.

00:00 Challenge Explained
01:02 Match 1 – Doctor (Eyrie)
14:58 Match 2 – Nemesis (Wreckers)
21:10 Match 3 – Ghostface (Suffo Pit)
32:11 Match 4 – Huntress (Shelter Woods)

Link to the randomizer:
Check out the randomizer’s author:

Rules: You must win (3 or 4 kills) using every Killers in a row (33 of them currently). Before each match, you get 4 random perks and must choose an appropriate character for them. Then you’ll roll 2 random add-on rarities (and choose the specific add-ons yourself). Note: When the list perks (112) and add-dons (20) are exhausted, they get reset.

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Thumbnail render by @LuminiousDBD:


36 thoughts on “The Hardest DBD Challenge I've done…”

  1. The first public game a friend played we swfed to try to explain what was going on. We went again iri king iri queen doctor… It was hilarious fro our point of view his confusion and horror, it just wasn't worth explaining to him what was going on

  2. otz out here proving it isnt a survivor sided game, you're just a good person who wants to have fun.. there are some so oppressive you just wanna quit playing the whole game like that Myers game.. first time seeing the killer and youre already dead.. no chase, no downs, no outplays, no heals, just dead..

  3. I'm sure this comment probably isnt gonna be found but I wanted to let everyone here know about a clown bug I found while working for adept, if you throw a bottle and switch bottles before it hits it'll become the bottle yoy switched to

  4. Man I hope they fix fast vaults Atleast put them back the way they were originally i get why they changed them from the ones before this patch kinda. But they made them even worse than they used to be so it’s pointless to even try for a fast vault they’re the same speed as a medium with the same distance it dumb

  5. 8:25 Gave me a little rush feeling when you congratulated your opponent for dropping the pallet on you as it made me think that I wish I was more like that and then the rush hit me that I can be like that if I want, its just a matter of choice and practice.

  6. Otz, given that you spent a few months going for this one, just want to say congratulations on hitting all 33! I know it was a struggle and frustrating experience at times. Congrats!

  7. Congrats on achieving the full streak! I've been super invested in all of your runs, but I ended up missing the winning attempt because of work and personal stuff… But I can't wait to see all of those matches soon!


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