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In this video I provide you with some Hag gameplay against the saltiest survivor I have ever seen in this game. The endgame chat was hella funny. I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching (:
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I never personally liked playing hag but watching your videos for the past month made me get strategies and I can proudly say I even play her well and even on mobile dbd 👏🏽🤎
Only 2 min in and I already know this is a good ass video
The auto locking into rocks and pallets when you sing as killer has been hurting me so much lately. Like what is causing this?
Queen hag ❤️
I guess someone ppl don't know how to leave a 99 gen just to prevent a 3 gen it's a common mistake sadly.
I've still gotta get adept Hag and bubba so I'm learning hag from you for now lol
I feel for the Kate tbh, love your channel but hag could be annoying af, play more Plague lol. And the teammates are really not doing gens
That seemed like a good game, but I don't understand why the Survivor is complaining, I mean they did a pretty good job
Love these and always will! I was gonna ask you, do you know of Michi? I just discovered them and they’re a Hag MAIN, but you guys are teaching me so much with her 💕
the survs' salt makes me happy and idk why
It took more than 4 min for them to finish a single gen and their loose was Ace's fault!? C'mon! I wonder what Milaela and Yun-Jin were doing in the beginning of this match…
dingo guy got hit multiple times he also called u shit for not chasing him lmfaoooo
You play on PC with a Controller ?
Grannyyyyy 😂😂😂🔥
That's why I love killer than survivor because if I make mistakes.. No one going to blame me.. I just learn my mistake and improve my gameplay better.. Furthermore, I don't need to rely on other people.. I just need to rely on myself XD
The Hag is underrated imo, well on killer side, she can be a pester as a survivor but she's cool enough to me, I want her to get a rework soon. Not sure what they'd do but "I would like to see it…"