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I was debating on wether or not this would work during testing (you cannot believe how many times I had to reglitch either Kate, Nea or Jonathan as test dummies) but it works and you keep any Bloodpoints/shards and challenge progress after the trial too! Hope this helps some people ❤
First yaaaaaaay
;-; it sucks that we have to do this just to play the way we want with the cosmetics we bought
I'd rather do this than do the glitch again at the store, thanks❤️
Yer this is just to much just to be able to keep your cosmetics I'm not closing the game down after every match 😒
U genius.
But can it work for the 3 set glitch?
Thank you so much Now I can finally Have my Kate hair
Fuck now there gonna fix this too!!!
Hate this game >:(
Or do new method , can be done in 30 secs
This is nice but way too tedious for me to do after every game. Especially if I'm playing with friends.
delete this if i can't post someone elses vid but theres a new faster way to do the glitch also <3
You want to customize the Cosmetics you paid for? Well that's too bad.
Let's talk about your IQ… It's above 300 isn't it?
So when Im trying to do it with Jill it resets when I go back into the lobby, what should I do?
Thank god I have an Xbox series x for the fast loading times then 👁👄👁
No thank you
Unfortunately you can't switch killers in the lobby so that sucks