Dead By Daylight Is Beyond Trash! This Is Why VHS Is So Much Better Then DBD in EVERY WAY!

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Dead By Daylight Is Beyond Trash! This Is Why VHS Is So Much Better Then DBD in EVERY WAY! SUBSCRIBE to The PODCAST Channel- …


41 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Is Beyond Trash! This Is Why VHS Is So Much Better Then DBD in EVERY WAY!”

  1. That's the difference between killer on DbD and on VHS. Killer on DbD is playing on survivor's time, and their goal is to steal as much of it as possible; Killer on VHS is not on survivors time, the survivors are on killers time. If the Killer plays slow and methodical, you slowly bleed the survivors time. Survivors need to be aggressive to the Killer.

  2. Bro survivors use those perks because killers come in the game sweatin like their family lives depend on it so at this point i stopped complainin and juss started makin dead hard and ds permanent perks🤷🏿‍♂️

  3. playing as killer in dbd in a nutshell: you make a hit, survivor's not hit because of borrowed time, you make a hit, didn't hit because of dead hard, you make a hit, survivor's on the ground, you pick up, 2nd chance perk activates and survivor teabags as hard as they can, you're almost hitting the survivor again, teammate comes and takes a hit, you try to down the mate, mate has mettle of man, you try to hit him again, Medkit with this one purple addon, and yet you hit him again, mate is finally on the ground, FOR SOME STUPID FRICKIN REASON MATE HAS DICK STRIKE TOO, next thing you see is every survivor teabagging at the exit, thinking they have skill and then exit… endgamechat be toxic as hell too

  4. This is the only addictive game I need to get out of. I missed the days I've played Assassin's Creed multiplayer mode games that were in Brotherhood, Revelations and AC3 and Black Flag. Those were the best days. I don't know how I feel about this VHS game but it looks more fun. The Map is hella better and the graphics is soo good and fluid.

  5. Dbd= second chance realm… And when entitled survivor lose get cringe salty and harass/complain. Dbd core is bad, cause you can have games with few interactions, where survivor chill, rush and escape (there is loop but not real fight).Wait for VHS and hope is fun like You content creators say, and hope that get bigger if good. A problem can be that survivor mains will not leave dbd cause power role, no aim requested, like more loop system… And killer mains move to VHS (skill give you reward). So worse matchmakings for both games?

  6. I find it genuinely impossible to say I genuinely enjoy and have fun playing DBD… Even when I win a match, I'm like "Yea alright I'm good" afterwards, the sweaty ass toxicity is just too much… I hope VHS takes the mantle

  7. Dude it is so nice to watch you be in a better place with VHS. I was lucky enough to get in on the 3rd wave and though I do still play the occasional few games of DbD, I'll tell you that it's only a slow downward spiraling addiction that keeps me playing DbD now. VHS is what I'm going to be sinking my time into moving forward. Sometime in 2022 I will be uninstalling DbD. It's just a natter of when.

  8. Survivors are the most power trip players I've ever seen. They will cry to the heavens when they get outplayed they will piss their pants in rage and then call the killer salty and a try hard. Literal manchildren

  9. I really just hope VHS can stay wholesome and not become as toxic as dbd, but I feel like it will eventually. The biggest reason being so many dbd players are gonna come over and eventually revert back to being toxic. It’s sad but it will probably happen eventually. 😭


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