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Welcome to my Tinfoil Talk! Today we’re going to talk about the rumors that there’s a legendary or ultra rare cosmetic coming for Sadako tomorrow Tuesday March 8th when the Ringu chapter DLC for Dead By Daylight, “Sadako Rising”, is released. Let’s analyze the possibilities on who this character could be and discuss! Tinfoil hat activate!
Tomorrow we’ll find out if my theory of a Lady Oiwa cosmetic, honoring the most famous ghost story in Japan, the kabuki play Yotsuya Kaidan, is plausible. Yotsuya Kaidan has been adapted for film over 30 times and is a huge influence on Japanese horror to this day. Could DBD have decided to honor her legend?
Thanks for watching! I’ll see you on Tuesday March 8th when the “Sadako Rising” chapter of Dead By Daylight, the Ringu DLC, releases on March 8th. I’ll be streaming on Twitch and I’ll have copies of the DLC to give away to viewers!
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Welcome to my Tinfoil Talk! Today we're going to talk about the rumors that there's a legendary or ultra rare cosmetic coming for Sadako tomorrow Tuesday March 8th when the Ringu chapter DLC for Dead By Daylight, "Sadako Rising", is released. Let's analyze the possibilities on who this character could be and discuss! Tinfoil hat activate!
Tomorrow we'll find out if my theory of a Lady Oiwa cosmetic, honoring the most famous ghost story in Japan, the kabuki play Yotsuya Kaidan, is plausible. Yotsuya Kaidan has been adapted for film over 30 times and is a huge influence on Japanese horror to this day. Could DBD have decided to honor her legend?
Thanks for watching! I'll see you on Tuesday March 8th when the "Sadako Rising" chapter of Dead By Daylight, the Ringu DLC, releases on March 8th. I'll be streaming on Twitch and I'll have copies of the DLC to give away to viewers!
I'm trying to reach 100,000 YouTube subscribers so that I can can get a PLAY button from YouTube to give to my son. I need your help. If you're one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn't subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.
What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:
Also if I’m not mistaken Bloody Mary is public domain and even though she comes through mirrors I think tvs would work or they could swap tvs with mirrors which wouldn’t be too difficult
I would love to see Lady Oiwa! I actually just wrote an essay that included both Oiwa and Sadako so I had this same thought with her importance in inspiring Ringu and popularising Onryōs as a concept, I think that’d be a really interesting way to go with an Ultra Rare skin and would set it apart more than Samara or some other similar adaption of Sadako. Would still love to see Kayako though, especially if they used that creepy sound lol
ok but whats the difference between legendary and ultra rare? The LookSee is legendary but Baba Yaga or minotaur oni and krampus trapper are ultra rare, those still change the character, no?
If you ending up being correct; you’re a mad man! Love the video and seeing your thought process. Thanks for sharing!
Btw got to ask Paulie whice chracter you believe would be the anniversary?
My dead by daylight break is over now time to switch back
I’m REALLY hoping that the skins are Samara Morgan and Rachel Keller from The Ring (Ringu American Remake) I love Sadako she’s amazing, but I’d also LOVE to see Samara as a skin
I’m praying it’s her tomorrow lol!
you did a lot of research for this, excited to see what the skin is! No matter what im probably buying it lol
The idea of kayako as a sadako skin is something i really want, imagine her terror radius is just her death rattle. I mean come on!
They need to make the base game free and have cross over saves with the dlc before I play again. More people will play dbd if they made it free on all consoles so you don't have to pay for membership. That would be the smart thing to do. PC base game can remain paid since its already free multiplayer.
I was kinda hoping we were going to get the American Ring girl as the Legendary skin…but then DBD leaks said it would be an ultra rare skin instead so my hopes got crushed.
dag nab it, i would love to have a woman such as ju on, i am wierd, i know
Didn’t leakers say that the cosmetic is actually ultra rare?
It have to be a school outfit cause she went school a lot and and hospital outfit cause she went into a mental hospital
Amityville is "public domain" (because you can't file a copyright on a town's name), which is why there are 37 sequels to the original!
So – and I really hate to break it to you Paulie – Sadako's ultra-rare is going to be a house, confirmed.
i want that weird sound that kayako makes for sadako that would be so scary XD
I hope the ultrarrare outfit is a Sadako-wigged Paulie! That'd explain the gifts that arrived, Behaviour had to make it real first
Paulie you always come up with the best speculations and they always make sense
This theory makes a lot of sense. I'm tired of all the " Samara Morgan " theories. It just wouldn't make sense because they both look almost identical. No one would pay 15$ for a skin that looks ALMOST identical to the default
I think Samara is the most probable one tbh
Love the tinfoil talk Paulie,,, you should make a podcast, I would def tune in!
One thing I noticed is that the grudge wouldn’t be a too far fetched idea. In one of her movies, I think it was the third one (don’t recommend), she emerges from a painting on the wall, with it being identical to how sadako comes out of her tv. Tho Lady Oiwa would most likely be the cosmetic, and with the cosmetic rumored to be an ultra rare one, that kinda pushes the grudge cosmetic out of the picture.
Excited for this chapter. Totally random but could you somehow convince Matt Cote to put a pug charm in the game it’s been a week today since I had to say my goodbye to her would be awesome to rep her on dbd since she would always be with me while playing thank you Paulie keep up the great work
I think it is possible that lady oiwa is prob the sadako skin but from what you said it doesnt look ike she has physic powers
"Hey, we also own the Grudge" No! The character with the closest fit and also by the same creator, not producer, is Dark Water.
Love me some Tinfoil Talk!!!
dont get my hopes up for kayako, paulie! i dont wanna be disappointed!
You only forgot ONE killer legendary skin Paulie and that’s Pinheads legendary skin “Chatterer”
Other than that you’re spot on! Love your content!
They should do RiSadayaka as a skin lol
Have a amazing day
thats a really cool theory, i hope you're right
Ju-On > Ringu
You forgot hag the birch witch
I’d like the Grudge to get its own release- maybe Killer only release with a unique house map.
Never heard of Lady Oiwa but sounds like she'll fit the skin for Sadako, also The Grudge would fit to even though I'm not a fan of The Grudge but still would be cool, overall I'm ok with Lady Oiwa. And I would still like to see Kuchisake Onna as a killer in DBD

Ok but now i want to slit mouth woman for the spirit. I truly think that would work.
I hope they'll add Kayako Saeki from The Grudge in the future! Than we'd have Sadako and Kayako imagine..
I would prefer kayako saeki as a it's own killer in dbd as she is a Japanese horror icon, Hopefully they will get the license to bring her into the game
I already have my money ready
Your “homework” on this skin is amazingly done with so much detail… lol… wow. I can’t wait to see what is actually released!
Thank you again for keeping us all updated and on edge… see you in the Fog tomorrow!!
Ok, that would be the most terrifying thing for me to experience…The Grudge is the only movie that gives me goosebumps just thinking about that sound she makes. It is just something that gets under my skin and chills me to the bone. It would be cool but I certainly hope it doesn't happen.
I would love too see Yotsuya Kaidan known as Oiwa will come as ultra rare cosmetic.
I’m thinking the skin is going to be something DBD make up
There is a Japanese legend of Okiku, a servant girl of a Samurai who desired her. Okiku refuses his advances and was thrown to her death into a well. This could be a possibility of being the ultra rare skin.
I have a feeling it could be Kayako due to the crossover film released in Japan between Kayako and Sadeko merging into one.
The Sadako vs Kayako was hilariously mediocre btw
Imagine if this chapter brought in alternate mori animations. Like depending on the ultra rare or legendary you get different mori animations. Huntress is already pushing forward the idea of different voices and terror radiuses for killers with these cosmetics.
Great ideas there, Paulie! We would love to see any and all of those in the game at some point! Especially the death rattle, it would be creepy as hell!
Love from Portugal!