Dead By Daylight| July Roadmap! How to get 8 Bit Crow Badge! Reddit AMA Q & A!

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Dead By Daylight held an Ask Me Anything session over on Reddit and I’ve got all the answers here for you. I’m going to go through question that was answered by the Dead By Daylight developers!

Dead By Daylight released the July roadmap. Let’s see what’s happening! Also to celebrate one million members on the Dead By Daylight Reddit, the devs released a code “REDDIT1MIL” which unlocks the 8 Bit Crow Badge in game!

Here’s the compilation of all the Ask Me Anything questions on Reddit if you want to read through them for yourself:

Thanks for watching!

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Thanks to all your support we reached that elusive 100,000 YouTube subscribers milestone and YouTube sent me my silver PLAY button which I’ve given to my son. Thank you for all your help. Obviously none of this happens without you. My son was very excited to see it when it arrived. To infinity and beyond! If you’re one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn’t subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.

What’s that symbol in the corner? That’s my “Fog Whisperer” icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here’s the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

If you’d like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes:

My PC is a special Dead By Daylight custom PC made by Xidax. You can watch these videos here about the PC and it’s specs and the journey to get it made. Also if you’re in the market for a new PC, visit Xidax using my link and enter code “PAULIE” at checkout to let them know that Paulie Esther sent you!

Xidax PC video part 1:

Xidax PC part 2:

Paulie wears prescription Gamer Advantage blue light blocking glasses in his videos and live streams. You can get 10% off glasses from Gamer Advantage too by using my code “ESTHER” at checkout.
Discount Code Link:

Paulie is partnered with Rogue Energy and you can save 20% on their products using his code “PAULIE” on their website! Rogue Hydration Rainbow Candy & Strawberry Bubblegum are his favorites!

Paulie Esther merch is here? What? How did this happen?

Want to send me some snail mail? I have a Post Office Box set up now!


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47 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| July Roadmap! How to get 8 Bit Crow Badge! Reddit AMA Q & A!”

  1. Dead By Daylight held an Ask Me Anything session over on Reddit and I've got all the answers here for you. I'm going to go through question that was answered by the Dead By Daylight developers!

    Dead By Daylight released the July roadmap. Let's see what's happening! Also to celebrate one million members on the Dead By Daylight Reddit, the devs released a code "REDDIT1MIL" which unlocks the 8 Bit Crow Badge in game!

    Here's the compilation of all the Ask Me Anything questions on Reddit if you want to read through them for yourself:

    Thanks for watching!

    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

    Dead by Daylight | Download and Buy Today – Epic Games Store


    Join this channel to get access to perks:

    Thanks for watching!

    Thanks to all your support we reached that elusive 100,000 YouTube subscribers milestone and YouTube sent me my silver PLAY button which I've given to my son. Thank you for all your help. Obviously none of this happens without you. My son was very excited to see it when it arrived. To infinity and beyond! If you're one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn't subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.

    What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

    If you'd like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes:

    My PC is a special Dead By Daylight custom PC made by Xidax. You can watch these videos here about the PC and it's specs and the journey to get it made. Also if you're in the market for a new PC, visit Xidax using my link and enter code "PAULIE" at checkout to let them know that Paulie Esther sent you!

    Xidax PC video part 1:

    Xidax PC part 2:

    Paulie wears prescription Gamer Advantage blue light blocking glasses in his videos and live streams. You can get 10% off glasses from Gamer Advantage too by using my code "ESTHER" at checkout.

    Discount Code Link:

    Paulie is partnered with Rogue Energy and you can save 20% on their products using his code "PAULIE" on their website! Rogue Hydration Rainbow Candy & Strawberry Bubblegum are his favorites!

    Paulie Esther merch is here? What? How did this happen?

    Want to send me some snail mail? I have a Post Office Box set up now!





    If you enjoyed this video, please consider giving us a like and a subscribe. And ring that notification bell like a Wraith to get up the minute alerts when I post new videos! 🙂

    Follow me on Twitter at

    Follow me on Twitch at

    #DEADBYDAYLIGHT #TombRaider #LaraCroft

  2. That prestige response was dumb, Castlevania chapter? Really?? Someone asked that prestige hidden question 1 year ago and nothing came out of it since. Why is BHVR refusing to hide survivor prestige? It's such a simple and highly requested feature that would help reduce lobby dodging and toxicity from killers. BHVR is so stubborn…

  3. How can the Tomb Raider release (and all the other stuff) on July 16th be "week 2" when the Waterfront cosmetic release today is "week 1"? That doesn't make any sense. Tomb Raider is almost 2 weeks away. So everything starting with the TR release is one week later and we don't get anything in week 2.

  4. I’m not sure about minigames on gens. I think people underestimate how much you’re paying attention to what’s going on around you, or on the HUD, when “mindlessly” doing skill checks. It could be a significant nerf to survivors if we’re too distracted by a sub-game within DBD itself every time we get on a gen. It depends what the game is tho. It would at least have to be relatively easy but open to mistakes being made.

  5. All I haft to say is if you don’t like the teleport hook system, then just play the normal mode. And as a killer/survivor main I think the quiet mode is pretty op compared to the other ones, idk just me.

  6. The skull merchant witch hunt is insane. It's not the killer that's the problem it's bad survivors who refuse to counter the killer or get better. I swear people still act like she can still expose, she's so easy to counter but nobody interacts with her power. I don't think I ever lost to a SM as long as my team don't DC or quit. You disable her drones and she loses everything it's like hag following her to trip every trap or trapper. If you have 2 eyes , actual game awareness you should always know when shes stealth and never stay at loops that she can abuse. She's not that good. Nobody even complaining about blight and nurse anymore it's like everyone just accepts that they can destroy a team 20x faster than even the best SM.

  7. There’s been talk of legacy skins coming back. I get the argument for old players that don’t want to see newer players with legacy skins… but what if the skins were ONLY issued to level 100 characters. So I have 2 level 100’s those would be the characters to get it… call it legacy 1.0 whatever

  8. Soo Adam and Gabriels legs are bugged with the new cosmetic (the same bug that happend to zarinas legs with her last Rift cosmetic)

    Mhh I really hope to get in the next rift and with the next collections a few cosmetics for my mains (Vitto and Jonah, I dont think that steve will get something)

    Aaannnd yes I want latin voicelines for vittorio! AND MORE LORE FOR THE KNIGHT PLS! (And Vitto)

  9. tbh i hated to play deathslinger.. mostly because he had really shit skins in my opinion "BUT" when the iron maden and slipknot skins released in the same moment as the rift cosmetic released from his tom.. i became a fan of deathslinger because now he got atleast 3 cool looking outfits…. i want to say… what no popular killers or survivors could get more attention with really nice looking skins. i wish there would be some nice skins for twins… i mean the last skin for them is really nice . but its just one good skin for them.

  10. the cosmetic thing is so funny (btw vittorio dont timetravel, I think, he found this stuff in the many different realms, but what ever) by vittorio, everyone was like: hey can he get medieval cosmetics? the thing with gabriels cosmetics is like: Oh hey, the player want more medieval stuff for vittorio, so dont make the same mistake and just let made him only scifi cosmetics (horrible scifi cosmetic, got dam the classic star trek series was way more better in this than behaviour)
    now everyone wants normal clothing for Gabriel, no one wants his ugly scifi stuff

  11. I find it so funny that the cuddled survivors complain about remote hooking.. like what about instant, reusable pallets were insanely op. And saying there is no counter play?? How about instant pallets, flash lights… they could also have iron will added onto their 4 existing perks by the same invitations.

  12. This is the first time Behavior has discussed publicly the idea of adding Legendarys to the character-select menu. I've been asking for this since Legendarys were introduced, and I think hiding them behind other characters has limited their sales. I'm so happy to hear this is on the table, and hope it comes soon. Additional cosmetics for Legendarys is a nice bonus.

    It seems like Behavior is making design changes (new store front, Legendary improvements such as this one) in preparation for opening the gates to Legendarys for more IPs not "big enough" for full chapters, to go along with Behavior saying they are now open to limited-window licenses that they're not able to obtain long term.

  13. Basekit Unbreakable, except it works in the opposite way anti-face camping works. The FURTHER the killer walks away from a slugged survivor, the faster a meter builds to get back up.

  14. 25:00 Are the devs implying Dredge won't get a lore entry in the tome and Unknown won't get a tome lore and a tome skin just because they are creatures beyond our world that we are not supposed to know about? That's lame to not have a skin for Unknown just because you wanna keep the "we don't know what it is" meme, as if they couldn't just make a story about one of Unknown's victims to justify him getting a tome like the rest of the characters

  15. This anniversary was really, really fun! I loved remote hooks, remote pallet/ wall breaks, and being able to stay quiet, summoning pallets!!! It was like having a different flow to everything and less cumbersome! I found it smoother than the day to day mode that is slow paced and typical. I found me surviving and getting kills because everything saved time and bought time as well definitely a joy to play and now I wait for 2v8 because otherwise meh 🤷

  16. I think the most obvious choice for P100 is the blighted cosmetics or maybe even a brand new very rare blighted outfit that actually looks cool enough to go for I feel like that’s perfect because that’s a lot of playtime

  17. The obnoxious request for more "QUEER" characters.. man.. I guess now every character has to identify under the countless flag charms..its ridiculous. Its a video game people get over it. You don't need all types of representation in a game. That crusade is getting old. They made David gay because of the community… its crazy. But people have an opinion and will then say that someone is transphobic or queerphobic just because of what I just said. idc. its true. STOP forcing your ideology on others. If you respect… most people will respect.

  18. I have two ideas one was said definitely show us other surviours perks. The amount of times I’ve used plot twist and have idiots run across the map and then keep healing me.

    Also if your a killer and playing against a swf I would say 3 players or more then you should have base kit leathal or another perk.

    Also I don’t mind being slugged in a game it very rarely happens. I do hate SM she’s the worst killer to go against in my opinion

  19. Thanks Paulie for reading through these. I wouldn't be checking them if it wasn't for you 😀
    Your reading is very relaxing. I was able to fold my laundry while you are reading all these map questions for us 😀

  20. haddonfield doesn't feel like haddonfield /the maps feels like it works August survivors i cant stand it and this is my big worry if they rework the swomp map its going to he another map that i let the kill hook me or i dc

  21. I have to call 🐂 with not just giving character more outfits just because they like to focus on other character more do to being more popular they can easily fix that and make enough for each character its crazy


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