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This has to be the most hilarious story I've read in a while.
They always want money and something free.
That's not a fail it's a exactly what we need right now 🤣🤣🤣
3:30 let's be honest, most are already "dangerous and grotesque"
These LGBT activists ruin the sacredness of the anime pfp faster than your average mangaka's/light novelist's search history.
sh*t is funny as hell
Hah! You wanted representation. That includes representation as monsters and villains.
Crazy thing is I did not think anything about trans crap when I saw the character. Let's you know how sick and self inserting people are these days. I thought “cool shape shifter”
What's even funnier?? A man thinking he's a woman 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🏳️⚧️🔥🔥
"Trans" women are dangerous.
The creature wears the skins of its victims and uses their voices. The default skin is a male jogger. This trans is just trying to extort money out of the company.
You cant make them happy, its easier to convince an Hardcore Pessimist that it is a good Day today than make these Lunatics happy.
The killer looks like something from little nightmares
trans person makes themselves unemployable when biting the hand, then walks everything back. It's not a lawsuit threat. It's her agent telling her she is now unemployable
It is hilarious that the VA saw themselves in the character. Let's look at the truth though. TPhobia isn't real, just those who don't like you. Also, look at the recent history of looney toon whackadoodles who have perpetrated school events and they are all what now ? Thought so. Shut up and sit down little activist. 😊
Trans voice actor voices Trans killer, surprised when Trans killer looks Trans.
Yet another reason why hiring should be based on merit and merit alone, not identity politics.
The whole diversity hire practices have people seeing ghosts. Instead of being hired for the talent, people assume the hire was based on gender/sexuality. It spirals down the drain from there – they then go on to connect the role portrayed with the idenity of the actor.
This is also why woke movies are so bad – they always turn out to feature Mary Sue characters because they'd get attacked by the angry mob if any character portrayed by their darling identities is flawed in any shape of form.
This is yet another perfect example of why companies needs to just ignore these weirdos and stop pandering to them. They'll never be happy no matter what they do.
2:39 "Somerhing!" There, I said it.
3:28 We can't have an ugly trans, but we can have incompetent weak willed men. They just don't want to live in reality.
6:28 You have to give the money back and wave your voice credits goodbye. Can't be a hypocrite. You're already trans. Walking a tight rope.
Some green haired weirdo says something on Twitter, then all these breadtubers explode at unison with the same videos and coverage. isn't there anything more productive or positive to make a video about? why everything you cover have to be some grievance, some problem? even worse, you only complain about it, but never, never, offer any solution or alternative. this is getting tiresome
and btw: Twitter isn't the real world, don't live your lives according to it
If they would bother to know at least a bit of its lore, it's a CREATURE. A creature that more or less eats people and becomes what is left of them. It has a lot of analog horror vibes, like it was some kind of alternate human. In the description of the outfits, you can see it explain the lore behind them. Such as the cheerleader who went missing, and the old woman who was last in a car park. ITS A MONSTER. I really do not understand how a obvious concept is percieved as an attack. It's a fucking monster.
I find it ironic that Sweet Baby Inc. is one of the partners with Dead By Daylights. Now, to be fair, I didn't know this until recently when Yellowflash showed all their partners and Dead By Daylight from what I saw wasn't woke it was a fun looking game. I find it very odd and ironic with the drama that started with Sweet Baby Inc. Suddenly, Dead By Daylights releases this character then cries transphobia
Anything woke will always be garbage this disease has no business in life thank God for Tums and Alka-Seltzer anything modern means time to take a dumb and toilet flush woke
Nothing wrong with trans people. But I will say. If the people behind Dead by daylight or whatever game this is asks someone to voice someone, expect it to likely be one of the monsters.
I mean, it'd be as dumb to complain about as if you got someone who hates cheese playing a guy who absolutely looooooves cheese and eats it 24/7 and they complain they have to eat cheese.
BHVR deserves this and far more alphabet backlash for all the disgusting pandering they do. Also, a large portion of DBD streamers are degenerates. Makes me sick.
The victimhood scam failed lmao.
This is just like when people were crying about orcs being racist. They just outed themselves for thinking that way.
Oh no… Now the 3 troons that play this game will be so pissed! They might even boycott!
As a grotesquely deformed transwoman myself, I really appreciate the acurate representation.
2024 the year that the woke attack
This is what happens when you work with these people.
Heres the reparations that should occur
They give the paycheck back, the voice is removed from the game
This is Karma in video game format. Those fools wanted representation from voice to character. Fool owned his/herself. Biggest L ever😂.
It came as male presenting, you literally have to buy the alternate skin to make it female presenting.
I'm so f*ckin happy !!! Here's what you get after filling the game with woke crap banners, icons and so on in the past.
TLDR comments
LoOkS AcCuRaTe
you're welcome for saving you time.
Talk about killing one's own career. That VA is never going to get hired by a big game company unless they are unaware of their history. They complained openly and that game studio which is small was very professional. That said all the VA's cancel rhetoric already primed that crowd to attack. Last I read the VA changed their tune very quickly. They shouldn't have made a ton of noise before even talking to the studio. In the game, DBD there are only humans and monsters. The VA attacked the studio developers first and fast calling for cancellation. The VA made it all about themselves. They are to blame and to use their words, should be "banned" from working in the VA industry.
These people would complain no matter the results, so why bother giving them attention ?
I don't see a difference
They voiced a literal monster. What did they expect? And trying to sue for not telling them anything? They're responsible for asking details.
Transphobia is literally only and just a word. I hate all these disgusting words being thrown around like they mean something. The character is genderless like canonically. Who gives a flying crap anyway. People don’t even understand what gender is anyway especially members of the LGBTQ who define things using a horrible language to start with that doesn’t actually apply to or change the way reality works. They give the few genuine trans people a bad name. Like I hope people realize that words define absolutely nothing and don’t change reality at all. Like you can say something and it can mean nothing and do nothing for anyone. If anything the whole movement takes away a pivotal part of life and gives nothing in return but the same old relationship. Relationships don’t change in function just because you date a certain gender or have a relationship with such and such. A true trans is the rare case of someone who is born with the opposite genitalia according to their true gender, or so they say. Unless you are explicitly diagnosed with gender dysphoria or the like with substantial evidence as such a given person has no place getting offended by such things. the only thing you get out of the whole movement anyway is the newfound inability to have kids. The whole movement is meant to kill us off really if you think about it. So why are they trying to get offended by a fucking genderless killer that happens to have different cosmetics like obviously people just don’t like basic reality and stuff so badly that they get offended at anything that doesn’t support their bad decisions. Including literal digital clothing. Like clothes offend you? Like why should anyone care about offending anyone nobody should be able to use being offended as a weapon like that.