Dead by Daylight Mobile: The Next Era of Horror Day 5

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Let’s kick-off the Next Era of Horror together! Click the link and download Dead by Daylight Mobile at #DbDM #TheNextEraofHorror

The Next Era of Horror’s Finale! Join us tonight at 8 PM PST and watch as Team Sykkuno goes up against Team Typical Gamer in an epic Fright Fight!

Team Sykkuno:
Bryce Games
Ria McQuaid

Team Typical Gamer:
Typical Gamer
Your Narrator

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11 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Mobile: The Next Era of Horror Day 5”

  1. Hi, It's time to give a proper announcement about the restricted regions future and the current bugs and glitches in the game! Also what about the fixes of old dbd feature like 1 hook mori and Prestige system 🙂

  2. Killer's attack range is very long and unreasonable, hitting the board and running for a while is still eaten, hope the game developer will fix it The game has a lot of errors, I hope you review and fix it

  3. I need a message from the developer to fix the hitbox or not so we can know if mak is still playing or thinks the game is really hitbox too bad so we just asked to fix it but you guys ignore this as if you don't care need your answer

  4. Why can't I migrate my old google account I just lost all killers I had all of them and almost all suvs I was missing tap now I have to restart or what ?….


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