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Dead by Daylight & the DDoS situation! – GimmsRant #67
Hi guys! I’m MrGimms! I’m an Australian YouTube Partner/Twitch streamer living in England most known for playing Dead by Daylight.
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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
Too be fair if you're streaming you should be using a VPN so bhvr isn't completely at fault here. Ddos attacks happen in literally every online game ever they just rarely result in a swat mainly because if you get caught swatting its a felony charge
I think BHVR in general is shitty. However, I'm surprised that these streamers don't already have VPNs. Why are you putting yourself in the public eye without protecting yourself. You don't need to be playing DBD to get swatted. Plenty of streamers have been swatted playing plenty of other games. Should BHVR fix this immediately? Fuck yeah, of course. In addition; even if you only stream to 10 people a session, take measurements to safeguard yourself.
"We at BHVR understand your frustration, so in return we're offering 5% off every skin in the game. We apologize."
Your information should absolutely be protected it is there responsibility as a company to ensure that their game will not cause your personal information isn't spread across the web. Obviously it has some truth if every other game company seemingly doesn't have this problem
I don't even know if you can use a VPN on console anyway. And if I can I don't know what type of doo dads I'm gonna need to shove into my console just so I can play like a couple matches of a game I like because they don't know how to show emotion and care about their own game.
If only we didn't have the top streamers making it a community problem, not a company problem… Maybe if Otz and Scott didn't scoff and downplay the idea of a boycott things would be different
Heart goes out to those effected. Stay strong as well as safe. I've been DDOS'd once, no police involved thank God, but it was still such a helpless feeling while it was happening. BHVR HAS to get serious about security and do more to protect the community and maybe find a real solution to the hacking epidemic that plagues DBD. I hope they finally pick up the reigns and make this their #1 priority.
I feel like this is the moment that is going to kill Dead by daylight since BHVR did absolutely nothing for so long they won't be able to handle the time and effort to fix this problem.
It is straight BS! Even with a VPN installed on your router they can still boot you. There is a program out the of course won't mention the name that can still get to you. It is up to BHVR to keep people safe! I have been booted many times and had to spend a lot of money for $200 router to even get a good router to install a good router for a VPN!
Thats what BHVR gets for minimizing the hacking situation maybe now they'll take 💩 serious!!
If this kind of shit is allowed to fly I am through with this game.
Face facts Dead by daylight is not getting better it’s only getting worse.
And now people are actually getting hurt over this game.
I would like to say that I believe behavior is doing everything that can to help but I can't, everything they send out sounds so condescending and empty.
Is anyone surprised? They recite the bare minimum and know people will forget about it. If there weren't any virtue signaling points, they probably wouldn't have even said anything. The saddest part is, somehow, the more bhvr prove they're scum and nobody should have anything to do with them, the more popular their game becomes. Just look at the steam charts. I'd expect at least SOME drop after one of the things they did at least, but nope, steady climb.
My theory is that the ddos attacks are from the hacktavists wanting to improve the game somehow by ruining it for everyone else
They are targeting the drag people which seems the most common one because BHVR loves their drag community for whatever reason to ensure they would get a response quick
Instead of fixing critical exploits within the game, they are resolving DDoS attacks with their legal team (which in most cases can't even be traced).
It's not hard. You have a giant team of developers absolutely shitting on the game, aswell as the executives doing the same.
Everyone in the company is an ungenuine pig it seems.
Imagine getting DDoSed when it could be easily avoided by showing your Australian Ping. 🤣
i'm not playing Dbd anytime soon lol
I see all these issues coming up as a real warning and consequence. A warning from players to BHVR in consequence of BHVR's handling of the game. Unexplainable changes, Sbmm, botched chapter launches, etc. Ofc it sucks to be affected by them but affecting as manny people as possible and making it feel like it's happening everywhere, to everyone is a way of sending a message. All I'm saying is that as a method it's actually quite well thought out, I might be reaching here but whatever.
Its bad that when i heard about this ddos thing i was not surprised, nothing surprises me with bhvr anymore. Just pure disappointment.
Behaviour is so slow we're going to get Half Life 3, 4, and 5 before we get a status update on the hacker problem in Dead by Daylight.
stright up if i get ddos and i get swatted and they would just kill my dog since in the usa not sure about anywhere else but your dog in swat raid in amarica they will shoot on sight. god damn BHVR doing the massive preventable fuck ups like normal
It just feels like every week there is a new controversy with dbd, it’s crazy, can they at least do 1 month without massive drama
They won't invest in security because it costs money they will just carry on doing the bare minimum
Thank god I got a decent VPN, sorry for all those being affected
Behavior is a bunch of incoherent Aholes hope they get SWATED see how amusing that is to them
Craziness, this really shows how the company care about their community after a week. Sadly, if they wouldn't do anything about hackers, there's a high chance that they won't do anything about this, if the DBD company is making so much money off of dlc's, what are they using the money for?? Diffently not security, if this is happening. It's sad. Very, very sad.
These hackers need to get of the basement an get a gf. Bhvr needs a brain 🧠
Having paid for the game we shouldn’t have to worry about the risk of data leakage, almost sounds like they’re saying follow the safety practices aka your fault if it happens nothing we can do you should’ve been safer online… disgusting from both hackers and BHVR here
hey man
thx to get some clarification on more thats currently going on around dbd
with all the cheaters salt and up to hate going on
it cant hurt to be aware of what kind of people/stuff one might encounter
while simply playing a game
i got asked in a dbd stream yesterday what DDOS is
and i replied the way i used to hear about it a couple years ago
using a program to repeatedly send requests to a server until it suffers in preformance up to a crash
like the "low orbit ion cannon" that anonymous "members" famously used all over the place
your explaination here is totally unfamiliar to me
and i would have called it doxxing generally without having been into this topic yet
so im kinda confused here as to why this falls under the term DDOSsing
I believe BHVR just probably doesn’t have the right team to help remediate the issue.
This problem has been there for years now, and it’s more common during the PTB, as I believe the PTB isn’t connected to dedicated servers and connects to the killer host network. Having you connect to the killer host network makes this easier to gather your IP.
Feel as if they’ve unintentionally remediated some of the problem by switching to dedicated servers. But have just ignored security in their game, or simply just don’t see much of it as an issue, as it still brings in money to the game by having banned accounts buy new keys. Don’t know, just wild speculation but – I’ve no respect for this company anymore.
I love the game, but it just bums me out big time that this is the company that is in charge of this title.
Yeah Gimms this DDOS bs has gotten out of control and BHVR need to really step up their game and add better protections to DBD. Keep up with the entertaining and good videos as always and stay safe! Side note, Elix's Twitter says they go by she/her pronouns rather than he/him.
First I deal with ddos attacks on Titanfall 2, where it prevented me to play the multiplayer. And now Dbd? Well, I am able to play Titanfall 2 (because it was fixed) and dbd because I hardly stream, but with dbd having the beginning of ddos for its game, I don’t feel safe to play the game. I’ll stick with other games until I do feel safe.
Until then let’s continue fighting in the fog✊🏻