Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
I know I’m very late to this particular party, but when a game steals 200+ hours of my time, I’m kind of obligated to make a video about it.
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#gaming #deadbydaylight #DbD
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I never thought I'd enjoy stabbing people this much, but here we are. What do you think of Dead by Daylight? Favorite killer/survivor to play as?
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I feel you definetly bro 👌
Should I buy dbd Craig
Never thought I'd see a dbd video from you, cool to see though. I always play killer and I like to play Michael, pyramid head, plague, and recently I've started playing doctor
I'm surprised the game is still somewhat relevant to this date
Ayy you did a video on it – it’s a good time watching you stream this when you do
First a fire and now flooding… you got no luck man. All the best!
i remember playing this with the boys before my pc broke
Finally! I waited so long for this after seeing you multiple comments under DbD videos. As for the game, it definitely have problems with balance and cheaters, but it's still engaging. Worth at least trying out. And 200 hours is really small number for this game. I have about 850h and still consider myself a newbie. DbD have a lot of details and general info to absorb and learn.
I used to play multiplayer games heavily now it’s nothing but single player games and Rhythm games like guitar hero/ rock band and looter shooters are the only games I play.
Man, I could pretty much just take this video's script, swap out every mention of Dead by Daylight for Hunt Showdown and still be about 80% correct about the latter. Fantastic multiplayer game I've played a ton of despite being a bit disillusioned with multiplayer stuff, simple gameplay and goals complimented by the ever-present dread of being jumped by other players, but the devs just keep making changes that seem to be entirely to encourage buying premium currency or new DLCs while ignoring some very glaring and long-lasting issues. If its core gameplay loop weren't so god damn amazing I would have a very very hard time recommending it to anyone.
After all of the DBD streams I expected a video on it at some point, glad to see I was right!
I’m glad you enjoy the game it’s really fun and awesome to get your mind off things I’m sorry about the situation your in and hope it gets better over time.
I'm still surprised how big this game has gotten. I remember playing it with friends… a long time ago. Must have been around the time it released 2016-2017 and we found the experience very mid(my friend group actually unanimously refunded the game). It must have gotten a lot better since then
I’m not trying to be mean here Craig, but your house looked so cool being flooded
While I agree about DBD having multiple licenses instead of just having one like the other games, I believe that specialising in one license instead of multiple means that the games can go more into the killer's powers than DBD can
I loved this game for such a long time, but i got super bored after about a year.
I don't know what it is but this guys voice always makes everything sound super interesting even if it's something I'm unfamiliar with.
I started DBD in 2019 when Ghostface released.
I'm kinda tired of it atm but I also played it enough to get every achievement up to the Hellraiser chapter.
The announced changes coming to DBD sound really good, I've actually suggested pretty much that Exact prestige system on Reddit, the Official forums, and other youtubers channels.
I have no shame in saying I hate this game cuz I'm bad at it. We all get one
Thats a really good point I wish more people understood.
I feel like FAR too many people act as if getting anything but a 4K or having every survivor escape. Means they lost. When in reality you should be averaging like 2 kills a game long term.
It's nice to see someone else who gets how to enjoy DBD. I've had a great time playing DBD, I think it's one of the most expressive multiplayer games available. Great summary!
I recently got hooked on this game as well. Perfect timing as they just added Sadako from Ringu, who was the source of virtually every nightmare I ever had growing up, besides E.T.
I played this game since release or shortly after and I was heavily addicted to it (I only played survivor tho) but damn can the community be toxic especially in higher ranks,after 4 years or so I was only playing it bc I had been playing for the past years even if I didn't enjoy it anymore and was only getting angry, being toxic, rage quitting, etc… and that's how I stopped playing lol I got so angry. I un installed the game for the first time and swore that I would never played again,so it's a fun game if you don't play it that much and toxic players don't bother you too much. I recently was thinking about installing again though I'm afraid I'm just gonna ruin it more for me.
DBD: the worst game I've ever enjoyed.
You should look but VHS the game! It’s my favorite competitor to dbd and seems to have the most potential despite not being out yet
The vid was like a 5/10 until the dating sim part. Time to update my steam wishlist.
I don't know man, I am totally against micro transactions, The game is great, but paying for some skins were never great to me.
I have ovr a hundred hours as well, and I love the fuck out of this game, so I'm just happily watching, out of gratittude that one of my fav titles is getting the attention it deserves.
Game is garbage af
i played when it first came out and had a blast. but coming back to it and everyone has rank 3 of skills i don't stand a chance. I wish there was a mode for turning those off so it's more balanced for new and returning players
I wish the there are more varieties of things to do for survivors instead of just doing generators. Even if it is visual varieties like replacing a gen with a shrine that the survivors has to pray at or cleanse, scarecrow to disassemble, or other things. Maybe a coal engine where you have to find coal to feed to activate, find a lighter to burn effigies. Even a different type of door to escape from depending on a map theme. Have caved in entrance that needs to be blown up, a bulldozer to smash open, a magical portal to open up.
I’ma redownload the game
Oh boy are you for a ride, since the developers will continue to neglect this game.
@critical nobody can you do a review on the evil dead game that just came out I here its like dead by daylight
Having thousands of hours in some games I look at 200 ish hours and think of that person as a begginer.
But if you really stop to think how much 200 hours really is…
It's a lot
We've all became desensitized to play time numbers .-.
I got Dead By Daylight on sale and after a few days on playing, I couldn't enjoy it. I think the killers are a bit too fast, especially when they Attack. They can easily catch up to survivors. And once I get spotted, I definitely know I'm gonna get taken down when I try to get away.
Maybe I'm just a noob and others can get away from the killers with no problems.
Overmonetization much?
To scoff that 200 hours is not a lot of time compared to 1000 hours is questionable. I mean God forbid having a life outside of video games
Never thought I would see you cover DBD, im so happy. I've been obsessed with DBD for 4 years and im so glad you made this!
Honestly, I love the game. The only problem is that I got pretty decent, then I got paired with sweaty survivors and getting tbagged and insulted constantly isn’t great for my mental health
Having to pay for the game, dlc and currency is complete bullshit. they should make unlocking killers or survivors easier like rainbow six siege and make cosmetics say in loot boxes like overwatch
I hate this game
Can you do humiliations in cod again?
No booping reeeeee 'random angi sounds'
I honestly need some friends to play with on pc if anybody would want, I have no friends lul