Dead by Daylight New Killer Theories

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#IntotheFog #dbd #deadbydaylightsurvivor

Bring Stranger Things Back to DBD:

This video overviews the possible next licensed chapters in Dead by Daylight. The soonest an unknown licensed IP could come into DBD as a new killer is Chapter 27. A lot of people are wondering Vecna from Stranger Things, Xenomorph from Alien, or Chucky from Child’s Play could be next.

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34 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight New Killer Theories”

  1. Sadly, I don't see stranger things coming back anytime soon. The license only officially ended back in November and I don't believe they would ever sit down and start talks this early.
    But im always hopeful for a Child's Play Chapter.

  2. I know this will never happen, it’s a goofy idea, it doesn’t fit DBD, not many people want this, but humor me. I want the Undertaker/Kane from WWE to be a killer. I know licensing would be a nightmare, but just imagining a Mori of a wrestling moves like the tombstone piledriver is too funny not to love imagining.

  3. I ask myself the question and if instead of thinking for this game dlc of other well-known games we put less well-known games such as phasmophobia occult, devour, deceit, poppy play time, paccify, dark deception, etc. maybe it would be curious to see these possibilities Even if it's like a mini dlc.

  4. Alien and a second silent hill. Enemy could be alessa (while she easnt a villian she still caused alot of the shit wesee) alessa could have something like nightfall, except it puts u into the other world. There maybe something like nemes zombies spawn around the map and come after you actively

  5. I want to start by saying this will probably be TLDR. I thought I’d share my opinions on these theories.
    I honestly never thought Sidney would make it into the game once Ghost Face came along. I feel like if they wanted to go the Scream route, they would have from the get go. Maybe I don’t understand all the facts about it, but I wouldn’t expect BHVR to start out not going the Scream route then licensing a Scream character later.
    Personally, I want Stranger Things to come back to dbd and I even signed the petition to hopefully get BHVR and Netflix’s attention to maybe bring it back. I honestly think Roots of Dread was created as an original version of Stranger Things, not to tease any future deal. After all, the chapter as a whole has major similarities to Stranger Things. The first original monster, many of the perks resembling Stranger Things perks, the description of the dlc. The map even reminds me of Stranger Things posters. I unfortunately also have to disagree with the people who found that stain on Vecna’s shirt saying Vecna might come into the game. I looked it up and Stranger Things Season 4 was filmed in Late 2020, Stranger Things would then leave a year later. I’m not entirely sure when BHVR and Netflix would have talked about licensing, but if that stain was done in the dbd logo on purpose, and Vecna was originally maybe coming to the game, I think when Stranger Things left, it shattered that possibility. I definitely agree it’s far fetched and honestly not probable, unless the petition works.
    Chucky. I’m not going to say it’s not a Chucky teaser because I honestly think Spirit’s Blighted skin that was released before Oni was a teaser for Oni. What I do have to say is, if people need to edit something to make the resemblance clear and make people see what they’re seeing, it’s probably not there to begin with. I’m not gonna say that it doesn't look like Chucky’s face though because honestly all doll faces look alike to me. I just don’t think that was meant to look like Chucky.
    I would really like to see Alien come into the game and the connection is there and honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing any of these licenses come in or come back. I just think Alien is the only one at this point that is possible. Maybe possible is a strong word, but I stick with it.

  6. We just got the Dredge, calm down on the next chapter, people.
    Also, about the stranger things clock, I'd honestly just forget about it. People seem to want to get every goddamn answer immediately, just tks ethe time to enjoy the game in the moment and the chapter that just released

  7. correct me if I'm wrong but when bhvr lost the stranger things license all Nancy , Steve and Demogorgon's perks were listed as universal perks but after the dredge's update if you look at the Steve's perk it says very rare Steve Harrington perk same as for Nancy and Demogorgon. I thought this might be a hint.

  8. Small thinking but not saying it can happen, what if Behavior got the rights to adult Jason but lack the Voorhees name and Pamela, since Cunningham has the rights to Adult Jason the hockey mask the machete and the title while Miller only has the first movie which features Jason's back story

  9. Schmuckles can you do videos on why this killer is not in DBD for killer klowns from outerspace, island of dr. Moreau, Dren from Splice, Sil from Species, and Universal Monsters? Love the videos, keep them coming.

  10. People want Chucky but it's never happening… At least not in a long time when the game is in a very different place. I just don't think Chucky could work at all in DBD. A small killer isn't impossible, Victor is a perfect comparison. But the problem is, how is Chucky going to hook survivors without it looking super weird, or without giving him some sort of magic ability to put survivors on hooks. It just doesn't seem plausible to me.

  11. Other good killers could be classic The Thing 1982, Norman Bates or Candyman. Possibly Victor Crowley, Pumpkinhead, William Blake (The Fog 1980), Wishmaster, My Bloody Valentine, Valentine 2001 (Cupid), The North Bend Reaper, Uncle Sam 1996, The Prowler 1981, Sleepaway Camp, Graduation Day 1981, Vampires 1998 (Valek), Fright Night 1985 (Jerry Dandrige), Night of the Demons 1988 (Angela)

    The Toxic Avenger, cause why the hell not❤️


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