Dead By Daylight – Perk Updates, Add-On Changes, New Game Rewards, Leatherface Mask and more!

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Dead By Daylight – Perk Updates, Add-On Changes, New Game Rewards, Leatherface Mask and more! Full Notes …


22 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight – Perk Updates, Add-On Changes, New Game Rewards, Leatherface Mask and more!”

  1. well at least they finally change the amount of blood points you can get from the monthly reset.

    i still don't think i would use boil over too often. the blocking of the hook aura reading ability is straight up crap IF not all hooks are hidden behind walls, other obstacles or the killer is straight up totally blind. when survivors used this perk i could still see hooks the normal way not using the hooks aura. how often does the killer drop down somewhere while carrying you. you can count the times with one hand.
    distortion with 4 stacks instead of 3? well i'm not a fan of buffing survivor perks even more, but this perk was crap and is still crap. there are so many aura reading perks like bbq, nurses calling, i'm all ears etc. that even 1 more stack is easily used up within seconds.
    the time you'll need quicker gate opening time is so limited that wake up is pretty much still useless.
    gearhead is still doing too little for me.
    power struggle could finally be at least good a bit if you combine it with unbreakable or flip flop while being downed in a pallet and the killer isn't picking you up directly. in all other cases it shouldn't really work cause good killers will almost never walk through pallets while carrying a survivor.
    buckle up is still useless to me.
    coup de grâce still needs to much pre-work for some more distance of one single attack for me.
    furtive chase could have potential for some nice stealth plays, but still needs nemesis in order to even get 4 stacks cause even if you don't lose the acquired stacks the obsession can still be only hooked 3 times and after that it's kinda unlikely getting a new obsession except for maybe a ds.
    dead man's switch got a bit better, but still survivors have to let go of gens in order for it to activate and if the survivors realized you got that perk they will most likely not let go of a gen before it's done.

  2. How can you agree with BHVR removing bubba's face mask? Dude, I stopped watching your content long ago because of your opinions are too align with BHVR's although big part of the community isn't. Are you too scared to voice what you really think? Now, what hateful activity? Black face? WTF we are talking about Bubba!!!! This is a decision made by people who are not into the game and it's very sad. And you support it. Shame because I thought you changed, but I see you still licking their boots.

  3. I think the masks removal is so stupid.
    The amount of people who do it is so minimal, I’d say maybe 10 people. Less than 50 at least.
    And this doesn’t stop the ACTUAL issue. People can still focus black survivors and say racist things. Nothing was solved, except they removed some cool cosmetics.

  4. The whole removal of the masks is an absolute joke, why do we keep allowing these snowflakes to sensor and remove things from our life. If we do there will literally be nothing left, absolutely stupid

  5. The Boil Over change is beautiful, it’s what the perk needed, it remained what it was since it’s release which was almost 4 years ago, and it remained left untouched.

    I’m glad a outdated and useless perk is finally getting the buff it deserves.

  6. yes BHVR lets nerf the twins you know the killer that i’ve played against twice since her release like no wonder why you always see the same killers whenever you play survivor smh
    imo this is one of the biggest turn away patchs i’ve seen in a minute good thing they’re adding a i got rusty feature lmaoooo

  7. I love that boil over change. Def gonna try that out. Tis a shame they gave distortion such a useless buff. That perk in my honest opinion is never going to be good if it doesn't have unlimited use or a good amount of use. You can use it to hide from BBQ but 3 or 4 hooks can go very fast and now you run the rest of the game with a useless perk. I can hide in lockers for that. Now the other aura reading perks not as easily countered but I still don't see this perk ever being useful with such a small limited use

  8. Not a fan of Gearhead changes just Punishes players that can hit great skill checks. Same as ruin changes back then why does it always have to hit the "good players" fcking hell just bring back old ruin it wasnt as annoying as the new one and make it good skill checks so the 5k hours less player do get punished for not hitting great skill checks all day long

  9. You need to spend so much time to unlock all faces and you need the right survivers in the lobby and kill them. And now for the removal we get 6k shards? Feels like a joke. They should give us at least enough to buy a full skinset for that or let them as they are.


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