Dead By Daylight Servers Are Dying…

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Dead By Daylight servers are currently having issues with working. In some games you’ll randomly get discounted with the pop up “Dedicated server is not responding”, attempting to redeem tome archive rewards take a ton of clicks to redeem & at times doesn’t redeem at all & at last spending BP in the blood web will kick you out of the game.
0:000:18 Playing a full 2v8 game
0:190:31 Dedicated Server Error
0:320:41 Cannot redeem the tome reward
0:420:52 2v8 Lobbys are dying…
0:531:06 Spending BP in the bloodweb kicks you out of the game!

If you’ve got any bugs you would like to showcase or submit feel free to join my discord server: Or feel free to email me a clip at [email protected]

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49 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Servers Are Dying…”

  1. Idk why people expect them to fix this right away, they couldn’t even be bothered with an emergency patch when the gen bug was happening. That should’ve told everyone everything they needed to know, but I bet yall will still go crawling back like a slug on the ground and play more DBD tomorrow. It really never changes and never will with this community. Smh

  2. Cringe gamemode, cringe servers, cringe developers. They can't fix their own game, lol. There are invisible walls everywhere on the maps and it's not very pleasant to hit them while in a chase.

  3. Man…even by their normal standards, the devs are fucking up.
    Broken maps, glitches galore, and now this.
    This entire year, so far, has been so bad that it has gone past "laughable" into "I just wanna facepalm and shake my head for a while."
    EDIT: Make sure to pre-order their latest attempt to cash-in on the DBD franchise!

  4. This is wild. Not to mention the dedicated server problems we've been having in the South since the ANNIVERSARY update where SEA and OCE players are getting matched up in the wrong regions. Every other match I play, there are at least 2 people with 150+ms ping, it's just luck of the draw at this point whether you get put into a server in your own region and screw over the survivors in your lobby or vice versa. Makes the game almost completely unplayable for us, especially abilities with a charge time like Billy, Oni etc; as well as input lag for actions and I haven't seen any sign of BHVR acknowledging this anywhere.

  5. Is it just me or do these weird server crashes mostly only happen when you are really just about to win a game with a 4k? One time it happened to me right after I deathhooked the second player of an obvious duo (they had matching names, also the first guy in that duo was a subtle hacker with permanently increased speed…). I have a feeling this is a new way in which hacking survivors can "punish" a killer by making their progress null after they have died ingame.

  6. No seriously they really do need to kill switch the game! Constant bugs and crashes. Now constantly servers just die randomly. Just a big cluster fuck of a bug mess and i don't like it. They should release less useless skins and dlc and just take time and fix the game.

  7. I’ve noticed that when I played 2v8 today, the game would crash either after leveling up in the blood web or trying to claim tome rewards. My god the spaghetti code is starting to collapse in on itself

  8. Every Tuesday at 12:00 GMT, Steam do routine maintenance, and the game devs, use that period to do the same. Every Tuesday going into Wednesday, we get thrown out and have issues, for 20-30 minutes. And that can extend if their are any specific issues. BHVR are running an event, based on a totally different mode, that doubles the player count. So, it was inevitable that they would take time to patch and change things in this maintence period.

  9. I also sometimes get an error which i never got before as soon as it takes me to the scoreboard after either dying or winning (i got this in normal game mode as a solo Q survivor as I don’t like 2v8) and the error is called “Sync Error” and says it had trouble processing transactions or something, and then says in these exact words “Please try again later!” Yep, exclamation mark included in it. When closing that error message it kicks me straight back to the main menu and I’m pretty sure all my stuff i earned from that match is lost. Only way around this u got is to as fast as possible back out to the lobby as soon as the match result scoreboard comes up when ur out of the match, before this stupid error can pop up and take away all ur rewards from that match and waste ur time. I’ve noted that u do keep ur rewards if u do this method. Good luck out there with this game, fellow players.

    Anyone else have this or some other bug?

  10. I have been talking with friends about this and have come to an agreement that we would be fine if the incoming DLC for this years roadmap were delayed if it meant a period of just bug fixes and tweaks.

    Something like Operation Health in R6, except I guess we could call it "Self Care Paragraph."


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