Dead By Daylight The Ghost Face Chase Music (PTB)

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35 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight The Ghost Face Chase Music (PTB)”

  1. I’m racking my brain here. Listening to the build up, it’s somehow genius but horribly needs a change too. But I don’t want it to lose the spirit they were going for either. I love how when he’s getting close you begin to hear that intense repetitive sound that suddenly blasts you in chase but it’s so loud and doesn’t shift, it blares everything else out. I really think it’s be fine if the survivor is marked but idk how to adjust it otherwise

  2. The different layers are all really distinct, at first I hated it, but it acc reflects his routine. First part is eerie, probs him reading the news on his work, second is tactical – likely him suiting up, third is stressful – closing in in his target, lastly the chase – this one explains itself

  3. Every one says is bad but yu have to understand thet ghosty boi isn't that type of killer he is tactical and this chase music perfectly suits him it fees like insanity and pure adrenaline which matches his style

  4. Hopefully they go back and give all the older killers their own terror and chase music. Can’t wait for the Bubba noises dubstep chase music

  5. Aight so T3 terror radius is literally ear murder I liked 1 and 2 terror radius range, and the chase music is nice, not my favourite because it keeps that grading tone from the T3 terror radius, but that T3 terror radius is absolutely horrible on it's own.

  6. I like the intense build up before the panic sets in. The music is fast but repetitive reflecting the killers calculated methods. He's done this so much its easy and the music reflects his talent mixed with the survivors fear


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