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I will never get over how easier they are!
I’m live right now! get on over here –
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #huntress #eveningsurvivors
More like evening diers
It's obvious that it's Killers responsibility to make the game fun for survivor mains. How could you not know, you new to the game or something?
Not a killers job to make sure the survivors have fun
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Anyone know what they said in chat?
5 and a half minutes is all tru3 can spare to play with you.
No lie who ever did the huntress new Voicelines and Lullaby has got to go 🤣
-Was the Game fair?
-Was it FUN to play?
"Not caring about survivor fun is toxic" whoever said that is so ignorant I'm sorry. As long as you aren't saying racial slurs or hacking who cares about the impact you have on other players. It's a game! You play for yourself not the people you compete with.
Supaalf streams during the day!!
Hearing Tru3 talk has become a broken record at this point. Becoming very hard to watch him and I been watching him for over 2 years.
1st. The "I did that on purpose…" had me lol
2nd. That'd be me going for a save like that 🤣🤣🤣
Why are evening survivors actually awful
Are those bots? Seriously look at there name it’s the bot names
I can smell it! The coming of a new discussion!
IMO every region has very good players and since the PS3 era I remember feeling skill changes in games depending on the time of day.
But OMG, in my experience North America must have the lowest of the Low when you play a game at the lowest level.
It’s logical though, they are one of the biggest console gaming markets. And unlike the other biggest buyers (Japan) the US has only recently begun looking at games as somewhere competition can happen instead of pure fun.
Regarding the data thing, another DBD YouTuber, Choy, has made a video about it a little while back, although I think it was mostly from his own games and not like from a bunch of other players' inputs
Did we just saw… a Game were Tru3 forgot to write GG? TOXIC!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
Poor things, they never knew what hit'em
Donkeys lurk Dbd in the evenings… These look like donkeys to me.
Once again true, you aren’t going against weak survivors you have just simply ascended to god tier and Cleary now can have a clean 12 hook games 👏 like all the other chad “evening” killers say
I think streaming in the evening definitely lets you play worse players but I like watching you play against the harder survivors!
Funny title for the video.. "Evening survivors on dead by daylight dead by daylight"
If every game went like this you would get bored
My evening survivors on the east coast is nothing but sweat lords without jobs.
I mean it makes sense right? During evening you get more casual people that just want to play after a day of work – like me! owo
someone tell me pls why the survivors all are named the same?