Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Break out the Ugly Sweaters and venture into The Bone Chill Event with Fog Whisperer SpookyLoopz ( as he guides you through how you can get the most out of Dead by Daylight’s holiday season!
Learn how to interact with the suspicious snowmen in the Entity’s realm to earn festive rewards until December 23 2021.
Login rewards are also available until January 6 2022 at 11AM ET
The Bone Chill Event:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
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#deadbydaylight #dbd
looks fun but im on holiday so sadly i wont be able to play even a single day
who are u?
ahh that's very good, wait a minute … the survivors hiding in the snowmen take an extra hit ?, oh well to unbalance the game in favor of the survivors this Christmas
So snow in lobby and a few freaking ass snowmans ☃️, oh and useless prizes, I see, what a mess.
What are all the cosmetics
Kinda jipped that killers get nothing special in their bloodweb.
You finally did it. With this event I finally end DbD forever. This is the worst event EVER! I hope many people will follow my lead and uninstall and deslike the game. Sorry just ridiculous and no longer wearable ….
how about releasing this when the event starts and not when all are litterly already done with it?
In mobile pls😞
Bing Chilling 🥶
The snowman is unfair if a survivor is in a snow man and u hit the snowman they do not get injured making them a 3 hit
Was looking forward to the other narrator tbh
Quando será que esse otario ai ganhou pra fazer isso ?
In this event survivors can:
-get winter party starters in their bloodweb
-hide in funny snowmen letting them either hide or to tank a hit for free
-can interact with other survivors using the funny snowmen
Killers can:
-have a disadvantage as survivors can now hop in a snowman for a free health state
-get fucked as 1/3rd of all killers are fully countered by this
Thanks to dbd because I got all rewards in 2 days from bonechill
Great, more places for Claud mains to afk
That sucks 2:45
I have played 10 games and gotten 3 drops either drops are broken or you don't always get drops.
Man this sucks that you gotta get hit inside a snowman but I’d like to try and escape as a snowman lol
"But not the same speed you're probably used to." flash backs to teammates crouching everywhere while waiting on a hook
Happy Holidays Everyone
Okay. Listen. Next winter event have it to where each killer has two nemesis zombies that are dressed up as elves…. they'll act like "Santa's little Helpers" or should I say killer's little helpers
Fix the game plz
love em or hate em you gotta admit. Bhvr loves their fanbase and the streamers
, please listen to the community, so far so good. keep it up BHVR
Glad for Spooky Loopz doing this 🥰
I really like this guide!