Dead Hard Validation Visual Feedback – Dead by Daylight

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tl;dr it appears unfair, but it is not. Relax.


20 thoughts on “Dead Hard Validation Visual Feedback – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Trying to say deadhard is fair is such a stupid position to hold. Also you can use the shitty servers to take hits at unhooks, they will lock onto you but get hit validation and neither of the people at the hook get hit

  2. I think part of it is the fact that the Dead Hard hit validation change is coinciding with Boons. I'm not defending Killers; I think that this just added onto preexisting frustration with the tools that the Survivors currently have.

    Edit: I would like to add that the Dead Hard hit validation has cucked Victor. This is the only direct action involving it that affects gameplay that I can think of.

  3. I'm sorry, but that's not an excuse. If you see hitting a survivor, yet hit is not accounted for – that's horrible. Why would I want to suffer even a cool down of a missed attack if I see a hit land, why don't I have a feedback of them using dh properly? Mb I wouldn't swing in the 1st place if there was a proper response. Same with pallets and windows – if I hit, it means that I see that I'm close enough to get a hit. Then even a missed attack cool down is a robbery.

    Being exhausted on the ground and that's shitty. Noone ever said it was good I suppose. However, the current situation is not fair.

  4. I really think dead hard should get a small rework to function as a dodge rather than something to gain distance, because I think that really should be something used for haste status effect exhaustion perks anyway (lithe, sprint burst, etc.) I think the easiest way to achieve that would be to make the survivor sidestep. That might be a fun way to bait killers into swinging through pallets or something, y'know? I think it would be hard to map the control for that, since the devs are adamant on only using like 5 keys for some reason, but I think that would be neat.
    Also yeah hit validation is fine, just annoying and confusing, same as hitting through pallets and hearing the scream but nothing happens. It can be dealt with.

  5. It's not working properly though. A part of their job as developers is ensuring the fidelity of the sensory feed back. People are not being unreasonable here dude. Their feelings of being cheated are valid. I don't know about you, but I don't have some special sense that allows me to see into the network and know that I didn't actually hit. I have only my eyes and it's a problem when their game routinely has our eyes lying to us.

  6. Everyone calling killers who complain about the dead hard changes crybabies, probably don’t realize that console gamers STILL get the 2 second freeze bug whenever dead hard activates. That on top of the freeze from hitting a survivor.. not having a good time.

  7. I don’t get how people can’t realize if sombody is down or not. Do people just instantly turn around when they swing, or not look at the HUD which literally tells you if sombody is down or not? Even then, why do people not make sure they downed sombody when they know that hit validation still makes them scream? I’ve NEVER had a situation where I hit sombody, heard a scream, and didn’t notice they are alive. Literally just looking at the survivor you are trying to hit will prevent this ever being a problem. I actually like that they scream anyways, so I know it was hit validation and not because I missed.

  8. the thing i want…is the fact 1time one 3 wen i HIT a survivor one a pallet they stun me AFTER but dat cancel the hit…
    dats happen to me 4 time in a game today…its terrible i wont play killer im effrayed about enything now xD
    because ok its cool survivor receved some love again…but comone plz do something for the killer evryone is leaving the boat captain…

  9. 2:38
    Wdym mistake?
    If it's possible to react deadhard now, then there's not much you can do to prevent yourself from swinging into one
    Before this fix you could wait for the deadhard and if you forgot, swung and missed, yeah, that's a mistake

  10. Tbh I see only one way this might rob you: two survivors are stacked, huntress trows a hatchet, hits a survivor who actually DH it. The hatchet should have just flown trough and hit the survivor behind, but it hit the 1st one, and the hit got rejected. Hatchet got destroyed, rip the free hit.

  11. Just don't use eyes. You see a survivor, hit them… you didn't. It was the same with hit validation with pallets but I guess you just gotta see what's happening on the server and not on your screen. This issue is not new it's just attached to a dh now as well. Survivors ate hatchets, hits on pallets and many many others and server was NOPE. Guys it's that simple you never hit them, stop using your eyes for feedback and play better


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