DECEPTION AND DEATH?! Survivor Gameplay Dead By Daylight

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Hope you all have a lovely Monday!

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►Starting Song – SoundNet – Losing Hope Was Freedom
►Ending Song – L’indécis – Soulful


37 thoughts on “DECEPTION AND DEATH?! Survivor Gameplay Dead By Daylight”

  1. Oh Puppers I’m so sorry I didn’t even know you had ALS I love you and I want you to know we all are here for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Pup you should trade that red bull for G Fuel. I have to say that I did and there's a big difference for me. I'm more focused, energetic and alert wit G Fuel compared to red bull. Happy Gaming 😊

  3. Dude please don`t tell me that ASL is a deadly sickness that can kill you slowly, i`m seeing comments here about you have ASL but i need to know the truth about if this is true or not. I`m very worried.

  4. Hey Pups, just wanted to say you sounded great today! I know you don’t like talking about it but I wanted to give you some positivity – your speech is coming on great.

    Anyway, another awesome vid as usual 🐕

  5. Hey I just noticed your speech is slurry and I've just watched your video from like 4 months ago, where you were using inner strength + head on. Was curious so I went to comment section and found out about your ALS(so in those 4 months i guess your condition progressed). Anyway, my girlfriend suffers from MS, and We've managed to stop it from progressing & stuff to the point, where we were doing crossfit for 1,5 years (my point with that is thats it's like quite challenging on your body and she managed to do it), and all thank's to diet. Check AIP (auto immune protocol), and grab a therry wahls books (she's a doctor, who was in a state of MS in which all she could do was lay in bed, and she managed to bring herself to walk again). I know MS and ALS are two different things, but it might be worth a shot. Stay safe man.


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