The Most HATED Player in Dead by Daylight

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Today, I Shall Be Teaching The Most Hated/Toxic Players in Dead by Daylight A Lesson. I played 3 matches with streamers, and game ended the survivors that I disliked the most. Bring. A. Cake. 😡 Hope you enjoy the video!

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comment “sussy for cake” if you see this

0:00 – Intro
0:45 – Q&A
2:29 – Taking out the trash

i yoinked:

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About SkyFaction:
He’s fighting his own war and he has no rules. No boundaries. He doesn’t flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He’s not loyal to a flag or a country or any set of ideals. He even tunnels in a video game. God help him 🙏

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You snoop around too much… Anyways, have a great rest of your day! 😀


47 thoughts on “The Most HATED Player in Dead by Daylight”

  1. I've been trying to do this same thing! But I keep getting groups where some people don't bring offerings and I gotta guess who it was that brought the cakes LMAO

  2. Hell yeah get them no cakers. Next thing you know they won't bring any pies either. Frowny. Face.

    Anyway, thank you for answering my question. That's really awesome. Curious question: have you thought about possibly looking into other mediums for your favorite franchises (e.g. reading books in the Alien universe)? I know we're past the 10k q and a, but I'm wondering about that. As always, thanks for your fun videos. <3

  3. Im a little toxic too, i exclusively kill black characters and people hate me for this, but i think i speak for everyone when i say ppl not using cakes in anniversaries is 10 times worse

  4. I mean I get it but not everyone knows about everything in dbd so a lot of times killers just tunneling a people and making their experience worse just because they didn't know that all 5 needs to bring that offering.. and you can say that it's in it's description but dbd doesn't have a lot of language options so basically if you're bad at english you don't know that you need to bring that specific offering too. I'm not defending every one of them cuz most of them are just trolls but if I were a beginner and don't know any words in english at all, it would be a bad and toxic experience too (yes my english is bad too but atleast I can understand it pretty well)

  5. I've seen this sentiment a lot and it's really assuming. I had a break with dbd and played some matches yesterday. Naturally, I didn't have cakes. Even now, after some matches, I don't have cakes on all characters I play (let alone everyone) and on those that have cakes, they have like 4 of them. Even if someone didn't have a time off with the game, what happens when they switch characters or decide to play a character they don't have cakes on? Maybe they have a daily? I also had situations where I went through three high level blood webs and got zero cakes. All these combined (and some more) make it so that it's a long shot to just instantly brand the cakeless man lol

  6. yeah but like… you kind of defeated the purpose of cakes by only playing to kill that one person xD… those cakes went to waste because you just spun on bodies and didnt really give folks bps with chases and unhooks 😛 love the idea tho

  7. I had a match with a Huntress tunnelling a Cheryl, we did our best to protect her but failed.. in the end-game chat we asked why and Huntress said "because she didn't bring a terrormisu" my friend and I laughed so much and said "yeah thats fair" LMAOOO

  8. Personally I don’t approve of this kind of behavior and I do think it’s slightly toxic, just targeting one person because they’re just doin their own thing or overall collecting, this video also caught my attention as I was a victim of this exact thing and they tombstone’d a friend and facecamped for the rest of the match, of course a 3 man out.

  9. I will always bring in noed during events and if someone just so happens to not bring a cake i will let them play the game for a little bit and slug them at the endgame until they bleed out (kicking them out at the start is not much of a punishment in my opinion)

  10. I loaded into a lobby in solo queue, and my random teammate asked for luck boosters because they were bringing Slippery Meat. I knew I shouldn't have done it – but I did it anyway. Of course I was the first person to end up dead. Fair enough 🙈


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