Demogorgon Stonks are Rising – Dead by Daylight

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A bunch of random changes are making Demogorgon a lot stronger than he previously was and he deserves it because he’s a precious boy.


45 thoughts on “Demogorgon Stonks are Rising – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Soooo I heard that The perks for Steve Nancy and Demo will loose the Quotes and characters name making them just base perks and they will be getting 3 New Perks

  2. You can still technically buy him, it's just keys for him are quickly increasing. Got it for 10 pound in May, it became 20 in June and not it's 30

  3. As a Deathslinger main I'm also hyped by the possibility of being able to M1 into gun, before it was JUST enough possible, so this could make it much more possible.

  4. but is the endurance Meta the most efficient way to win as survivor?

    I'm all for stbfl being easier to stack since it's also my favorite perk (I try to run it on everything) . but it seems like the endurance meta will be very short and what follows may be more interesting

  5. I've always felt like Mad Grit is underused in higher rank lobbies, and I like to catch survs off guard with it in almost every game. If this really becomes the "meta", I feel sorry for the poor surv on my shoulder who will be frozen in time as their team feeds me hits lmao

  6. STBFL is not very good on demo, if ur good with shredding and use it more than u m1, STBFL is pointless and you may never reach 8 stacks, so you might as well use something else (doesn’t matter if you can maintain it well on demo when you can just ignore the obsession, so it’s more useful on other killers)

  7. God every other content creator is either whining "these changes wont do anything" or "These changes will do too much" meanwhile Scotts here like "finally they're fucking changing the meta this is exciting"

  8. I'm all for a changing meta, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of a meta where survivors can get hit 5 times without going down… They "fixed" ds so you can't use it offensively, but what's to stop people using their 6 health states offensively; it sounds worse.

  9. after hex thrill of the hunt nerf, demo's teleporting to defend hexes were not optimal and the teleport is easy to predict with a swf because of the fact that survivors can see which way demo looks while teleporting i hope they buff his teleport or change it he feels like a basic m1 killer with a secondary m1

  10. Do *STBFL stacks shorten the duration of Nurse's fatigue after a successful Blink attack? And does the game consider Blink attacks as basic M1 hits?
    I was wondering if STBFL would be a viable perk for Nurse in the "endurance meta", seeing as tanking a hit for your teammate vs. a Nurse is impractical (If not completely futile).

    She falls behind Demogorgon in terms of utilising STBFL, but the perk could perhaps have potential if Nurse can farm stacks on Blink attacks.
    I realize that there's a gap in my mechanical knowledge of DBD when compared to some of you guys. I'm always looking to improve however I can, so any engagement is much appreciated.

    *STBFL = Save the best for last

  11. Honestly, I'm just excited just to see the meta finally change, it may be annoying to face a lot of endurance but having UB BT DH IW every single game on every survivor is just way worse for me (the same applies to some killer perks)

  12. Hey with the endurance meta becoming a thing wouldn't a doctor with an electrode addon become a weird but effective counter as well?

    If people have to mend (which will be the case a lot) you can throw them in tier 3 and exit their chase until they start getting rid of their madness after which you bring them back to tier 3 yet again. This should cause them to have no time to get out of madness and mend, causing them to go down eventually.

  13. It’s not a probability, the DLC is coming back this Winter 2022 there was a leak of Vecna killer for DBD but, that leak was fake but, DBD chapter of Stranger things is coming back and this news I’m going to tell is perfect for those who bought the DLC before it was removed. ONLY FOR OG if you bought the DLC before it was removie you will receive a legendary skin for Nancy and it will be Joyce Byers best mother and character in the whole show

  14. I'm happy for the people who like the changes, but for me, I hate when I'm playing killer and survivors start body blocking. Like yea, it's a valid tactic, it's effective, but it always made me super tilted to the point I started running starstruck and agitation because I didn't wanna deal with it.
    Now with the upcoming endurance meta I wouldn't really have a choice because there's nothing I could run to stop people from doing that, so I'm probably just gonna back way off from playing killer and just stick to playing some survivor games every once in a while. I don't really care if it means people are wasting time doing gens or whatever, playing killer and having people constantly swarm around me just isn't an experience I'm looking to have, so I'd rather just remove myself from that situation entirely


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