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#DBD #DeadByDaylight

Want to see more spicy DBD gameplay? I stream DBD daily on Twitch

SpookNJuke Video –




  1. So much of this has happened to me but luckily I had a few people to help me during my stream but a survivor I killed as bubba came into my chat and started wishing death on my family members then eventually going into racism towards me in my chat. All because of a game in dbd.

  2. That's why I gave up any chance of being a streamer. I would hate to put my safety and life at risk all for a salty survivor getting 💩 on in DBD. Any game in fact, I've been doxxed and booted offline on rainbow six siege and COD, but dead by daylight literally has a community that acts like they're dying in real life if they don't escape, like their whole lively hood is at stake if they don't win. Some people literally can't just say GG anymore, we actually have to go above and beyond with measures just so we don't land up on a T-shirt.

  3. Good conversation to have, but the real question to me is… why is this game in particular so polarizing to its players? There have been plenty of other asymmetrical ones which barely blipped anyone's radars on toxic behaviors… but this is a buffet of psychos.

  4. honestly what makes this video better is how easy it is to go to other channels and see the threats and shit that the community has caused and its truly shameful of people but some people are meant to be destructive

  5. The people who listen to streamers saying these bad stuff about killers are the ones to blame. It’s as if they can’t think for themselves which is incredibly pathetic

  6. it is not the killer respon to have the survivors have fun. And of course it is not a survivors respons to have the killer have fun. Got shit from both sides. Playing both sides. Ogre being a survivor main. But still more trash from survivors. Have a good one dude. "Spread love not hate".

  7. Do streamers BREED Toxicity? No. Do they invite it? If you ask me? YES. But not intentionally. You have TTV in the name, that's an invitation and a half for them to insult you, target you or come into your stream and start shit because why? Streamers are going to react and even make a video on it. Thus giving these people 5 minutes of fame and attention to where they can show their friends "Lol I got into a youtube video they took the bait." No one wins either way. I'm 100% sure if a Streamer did 1 week of no TTV in their name, they'd see a dropoff of like 80% of the usual Toxicity they see, minus the ones who play at an insanely high MMR because those survivors are all a buncha sweatbags who can't fathom losing regardless.

  8. The people who get that angry about losing in a game of DBD are the same people who when put into a real competitive game with a ranking system would struggle to climb. They would be stuck at below average ranks like bronze/silver and get mad at everyone but themselves for not being able to rank up.

  9. I believe every big fanbase suffers from toxicity simply because they reach so many people and some of them aren’t good people. It’s not always the content creators fault, it’s mostly the sheer amount of people in one group

  10. The toxicity of dbd is wild. A lot of it just people only playing one role and not having any actual understanding of what it’s like on the other side. I remember years ago when I first started playing, I’d play with people who have been playing longer and they would scream “he’s tunneling!” And “he’s camping!” and I had no idea what these words meant at first. But as time went on and I got more familiar with the game, I too started to complain about the tunneling and camping. I was an entitled survivor main and I think I sent a few hate messages back in the day (😭😭😭😭) but I play killer and I understand. Now I get the hate messages 😹 I suppose it’s karma. But yeah that’s why I always say people should play both sides and well the community is mostly filled with survivor mains. They run dead hard and think they are god


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