Does DBD Take Skill | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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23 thoughts on “Does DBD Take Skill | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. The one argument against this is certain stupid items (syringes/good tool boxes) and really strong killers or add one, but they're only an advantage, even if it's a really big one, a brain dead player might not know when to use a syringe or a blight might suck and never get alc ring to activate

  2. Its a knowledge based game with tons of rng and variables, not mechanically hard.

    Just take a killer thats only played a week or two while being taught how to play, vs an experienced player. As you gain experience with killer you will be able to predict when and where survivors are with pretty absurd accuracy, and make very quick and decisive decisions on how to use your time. That is skill that is very difficult to teach or replicate without tons of experience.

  3. As someone who recently started playing this game takes so much skill ive played a lot of other games and this one has a decently high skill floor i cant even imagine the skill ceiling

  4. I only have 400 hours in the game but I play killer and survivor.
    When I play killer I get 4k but sometimes every one escapes.
    When i play survivor I sometimes loop the killer sometimes I die in a minute.
    I’m not that good at the game but I know this game takes a lot of skill. Also I’m not hating on anyone

  5. Shoutouts to myself with 200 Hours (only Survivor at that time) who thought, Clown with Pinky Finger must be the strongest killer in the game bc his 1v1 is so strong. And then my friend with 2k hours told me "nah fam, he is literal one of the top 3 weakest killer"…damn my world was crushed. xD

    But for real, I've seen everything…player with 1k hours who didn't know that you can reveal Ghostface or the same with 2k hours who didn't know that Pyramid Head gets a notification if you uncage someone (he played both sides but most likely only 2 or 3 killers). And still to this day I see player with high hours making sometimes huge mistakes and I don't know if that's sometimes a thing when you encounter some killer less often. My favorite example is that you don't trigger killer instinct when you crouch near Victor (essential if your hook is camped by him).

    But can we set a fix amount of hours to say if someone knows about what they are talking? Probably not but I think OhTofu said it well in his Scrim Nights, where you should have at least 1k hours at the game (with all the nuances pretty reasonable) and this number can only get higher and higher with more Killer-Powers, Perks, Maps etc.

  6. It does require skill but nowhere near as much as tryhards like to say. I've seen really good people with triple digit hours, and have seen people with 10k+ hours make stupid mistakes. No matter how good you are, RNG (and on the survivor side, your teammates) dictates a lot in the end.

  7. It’s similar to chess in a way the winner is the one who has more knowledge of the game some people just prefer to turn off their brain and play a game witch is totally fine (personally I don’t know all the loops maps or perks and just like to chill)but this game wasn’t made for that nor is chess so it’s ok that he doesn’t like the game some people don’t study this game like it a SAT and that’s ok but you gotta understand that you will go against someone who does and they will win not because of RNG but because they know more about the game then you because they put the work in to learn it

  8. Honestly no an insane amount of this game really just comes down to rng which is exactly why dbd can never be truly competitive. Also I feel like a lot of people including you overrate how difficult some of the components of this game are but I guess that’s a different argument.

  9. So by you're logic survivors can go in with bnp all that shit and gen rush the shit out of the killers and that takes skill? No, no it doesn't. All the shit you say about how doing gens takes skill is just common fucking sense, it's not skill, it's common fucking sense. Now when we talk about killers, that's probably the most stressful part of the game that exists, you gotta be aware of what gens you got, how close a hook is when you down someone, how to properly work your power to the best you can use it which with a lot of killers, that's pretty hard to do. When you as the killer go into the match, your nerves will be on edge, you dont know what the fucks gonna happen and there is so much shit on the survivors side that can fuck you over that if you even miss a hit, that may of just costed you the whole game, you not getting that down or that hook, may of costed you the game. I've played survivor, I've been on gens and shit like that and guess what? It's probably the most brain dead shit you can do as a survivor and when it comes to looping, sure you got me there, theres some skill in that but with most of the shit survs do…not so much, hell the fact that theres so little skill when it comes to a survivor, mrheadache will rarely do a video on how to be better at it.

  10. i think survivor takes much less time to actually get good at, they are all just skins but its still difficult to actually learn, being good at nurse doesnt mean you be good at doctor each killer does take a lot more depth to learn i mean take clown there's a 132 page doc about how to play him but yeah its a wild take to assume this game doesnt actually take skill

  11. At some point, survivors skill besides chasing is game sense “where and know when to ….. any action” but it’s less less less skilled than killer, specially the mechanical ones

  12. For killer yes, it takes an insane amount of skill to be able to win a match against 4 really good survivors and even with that you still depend of the map, rng and the mistakes that survivors make

  13. I hate that when survivor just slide on the walls because of there small hitbox. And if course killer hitbox is bigger so it takes longer to catch them but then wack killer got hit by the pallet and got outplayed. No that really isn't it survivor using the game flaws for advantage but in the survivor side will say to the killer (it's a skill issue) wrongo. But if the killer uses flaws of the game the survivors will complain and bla bla bla! Perfect example Wesker using the hug wall teck and dash towards the survivors looping. And they will get angry for ruining there fun. In fact you don't care about my fun why should I care about yours. DBD will never be a balance game , it's simple but has it's flaws especially PC players.

  14. The whole notion that DBD or any other game thats ever evolving is "easy" is ludicrous to me. Games like this to me are like an onion. The surface is theost superficial things like skill checks, but deeper inside are game sense, killer powers, knowledge of survivor & killer perks, those interactions, when its okay to perform X actions, if your survivor getting a clue as to what the others are doing and what their builds/play styles are. Same for killer.

    Since the game is regularly getting new content, buffs, nerfs, etc, its even more like an onion because leave it in water and next thing you know, the outer layers return, but the depth of the onion continues.

    Whoever posted that Twitter def had a case of Head In Bum. 😏


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