Don't Be Like Meg – Dead by Daylight

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Meg, unsurprisingly, did Meg things after Ada unhooked her in Basement against Trapper.

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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Unfortunately only a few perks are used in this game such as sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex: ruin, corrupt intervention. Very few builds are used as well, such as the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build, new killer in dbd gets released all the time, Every Survivor Tech EXPLAINED – Dead by Daylight Every Tech EXPLAINED – Dead by Daylight Every Tech in Dead by Daylight wesker from resident evil is coming to dbd albert wesker that guy yeah along with new resident evil chapter in dbd good dbd youtubers to follow (besides me of course) are otzdarva, ayrun, jrm, naymeti they talk about survivor techs all the time every survivor tech in the game and maybe even shirtless survivors in dbd, i made a guide about every single survivor tech in dead by daylight recently you should check it out smile survivors techs are fun, i love the dumb tech, the cj tech, the ayrun tech and especially holing killers i love when killers get holed by jrm in his the dead by daylight experience videos but Konceptor is better, just sayin


9 thoughts on “Don't Be Like Meg – Dead by Daylight”

  1. As a Meg main I can say that we are to good for you and have no reason to Liston to you useless information and I shall take myself off with slippery meat look for the killer then proceed to loop them for not even 1 gen with windows of opportunity but starting a chase with sprint burst and have some other useless perk because like the chads we are we only need those three perks to survive and we save no one regardless of their contributions and even tho we did not do a single gen we escape first and teabag at the exit gates once we find hatch we sit and wait for everyone to die so we can escape in hatch to rub it in the killers face


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