Egotistical Streamer Gets Called Out | Dead By Daylight

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In today’s video, we look at an egotistical Dead By Daylight streamer who gets called out on Twitter… Prepare for a cringefest!

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0:00 Introduction
0:34 The Clip That Was Posted To Twitter
2:26 Breaking Down The Context
4:12 A Toxic Community
6:50 Repeated Behaviour
12:06 Viewer Shaming

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Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

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27 thoughts on “Egotistical Streamer Gets Called Out | Dead By Daylight”

  1. i played with this guy once awhile ago, even sent a follow. i don’t remember if i was killer or survivor, but i feel like i would know if i was killer by this behavior. once i saw this, i immediately unfollowed. such a shame.

  2. i've played with this person before. they seemed really nice and i even followed them but unfollowed after about a week. i won't pretend like i unfollowed because i felt he wasn't a good person or something, it's just that if i don't watch someone semi consistently i'll unfollow as to not flood my twitch feed. but it's crazy to me how these things can happen to literally anybody. someone like me who plays often but doesn't even stream anymore or try to grow on a platform can just run into somebody like this in game and have whatever happen to them. crazy community man. good thing is the majority of people i've played with are actually very nice and treat other human beings as just that! a light in the dark i suppose. thank you for this video Aaron <3

  3. Okay but this one streamer went off calling me a pussy all because I "hid" to avoid being tunneled out at 4 gens, banned me from his channel when I came and said gg, he went off on me saying "only pussy's hide I have no respect for people that hide, only people that loop get my respect" (yet is using hubris, enduring, spirit fury) yet the next day he was bitching over being tunneled out at 4 gens…… and said "only losers tunnel bro" 😬😬 yet he's on a partner push.

  4. A community is always a representation of the creator, whether they agree or disagree. Makes me sad to see these communities exist and feed off of this behavior.

  5. What? No. If the survivor is skilled enough to manage to become unhookable, they've won the match. The killer needs to accept they've lost and let the survivor escape. Those are the rules, and if you disagree and bleed them out, you will be reported and banned for your toxic behavior.

    Yes I am being sarcastic. I was recently the last survivor, bled out at the exit gate by a Ghost Face because he'd already used all the hooks near the door. The ENTIRE 4 minute bleed out too, and even though it was EGC, since I was slugged the EGC slowed to a crawl. Was it fun? No, it wasn't especially since I was playing with a streamer so she had to wait for me to get out of the game. I found it very boring and no it's likely not something I would do (unless the survivor has Boil Over. If you bring Boil Over all bets are off. I hate that perk.) but it is what it is. We all want to win, and doing what you need to do to win (as long as it it isn't cheating) is not toxic IMO, no matter how "toxic" the other side thinks it may be.

  6. I wonder if I’ve ever come across this person… I recently had someone bash my viewer count when I won a match and basically say I was trash at the game because they didn’t like how the game ended🤔

    As someone who’s still a pretty new streamer, it is really disheartening to not only deal with people who get upset because a game doesn’t go the way they want, but when they make personal attacks or have incredibly nasty behavior. I really don’t understand why people are like that.

    I feel sorry for Mr. Jacknife dealing with that but he seemed to handle it well and I hope his community continues to grow and that he comes across awesome people.

  7. Okay while i agree that this entire situation was so unnecessary and disgraceful. tunneling someone out for having distortion is one of the most gigcringe things i have ever heard.
    It doesn't matter if u only have aura reading. You made that gamble to rely on aura reading, just because someone brought 1 perk that isn't even that crazy doesn't mean you need to go out of your way to make sure they don't get to play the game. i get hit by distortion all the time and ive never tunneled anyone out for it. "i don't deal with distortion." has got to be one of the most entitled things i have ever heard in this game.

  8. I used to be an avid member in his streams, but this was before he started caring about numbers and being so toxic. Like there were moments where he'd complain but at the time I thought nothing of it as it was just kind of dbd, but as time progressed he started to show his true colors and I immediately left that community, especially after he was rude to a close friend of mine on stream. Needless to say I'm very happy that this is all coming to light to expose how behind the "just a lil guy act" he's just someone you don't want to be around.

  9. I met this streamer a while ago Ingame, watch some of their stream but some of their comments during games were a bit off so I stopped watching. Also that’s so sad, in these clips I was looking for maddie in chat. That’s so sad wtf

  10. Noooooooo. Not that guy. I know him. He's a nice guy from what I see, but probably takes this game too seriously sometimes. If someone was close to him, I hope they try to check on him.

  11. i cannot believe how so many people are so unaware to how necessary tunneling is in dbd sometimes, man. Especially when the killers trying to win, which like, no shame in that. My duo always gets upset when theyre hooked twice in a row even if the killer went for other people but failed, and a lot of other things that are completely okay if you realize not every one is going to playing the nice guy and getting demolished, at high mmr too 😭

  12. …omg i got a MENTION AAAAAAAAAAAAH.

    /fangirl moment gimme a second omgomgomg

    OKAY now that that's over…. Wow. I have no idea what to say about this guy. Viewer shaming, asking for "permission" to bully someone, a chat that wanted to hate raid??? What has our community come to.


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