EPIC 4 GEN CHASE BUT THEN… – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


41 thoughts on “EPIC 4 GEN CHASE BUT THEN… – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I have a feeling I'm going to miss Coldwind Farms old design.

    It was different from other maps like MacMillan or Autohaven due to its earthy-toned/yellow-ish color scheme. However, it was still spooky since the trial took place at night-time.

    The rework seems to take place at day time and the colors are almost a bit to friendly and saturated from what I've seen. 🙁
    I really hope it still has its spooky touch and won't burn the eyes out ..

  2. 7:07 I must have watched that 100 times it is hands down the most funny and unexpected moment I have seen on this channel Ik it wasn’t funny for you but it was hilarious to watch 😂🤣 keep up the great work tru

  3. That sandbagging wasn't intentional but holy hell was it a bad play. Not only did it get someone down but the sandbagger themselves went down seconds later. It then snowballed further when the person who tried to pick up tru3 foolishly went down as well and didn't go for the unhook instead.

  4. Hey Tru3 was wondering if you could try purple Sapphire Lens or Red Bulb and green battery on your purple flashlight, would love to see the different angle and faster timing blinds.

  5. I had a Claudette intentionally sandbag me on the gate. She was not opening the gates and just crouching on the side when I found her. Then when I tried to 99 the gate, the killer was coming so I had to open it (I was injured) then she stood beside me then sandbagged me until Oni chased us out. Oni almost caught my ass. Some players are just assholes.

  6. You mean 3 gen chase Tru3 lol i myself had a 3 gen chase today unfortunately the killer considered that ToXiC and decided to slug everyone to death (survivors were dumb and altruistic and would not leave the area where 1 of the survivor's was hooked plus they didn't heal on the floor 😒👍 ) I get the frustration in a sense regarding a chase with NOTHING gained as killer but the fault ultimately lies on the killer for not abandoning a time consuming chase & going for another person and instead chopping it up to blaming it on the survivor who's just trying to get away and loop (no teabagging nothing) i had a game as killer and 1 of the survivor's gave me the run around (mind game's failed) for like 18 seconds so i left the chase kinda bummed out but came across another that i was able to down within 10 seconds. Gotta dicipline your emotions as killer (hard to do sometimes though i know) when you come across good survivors it can cost you the entire game easily lol.

  7. Dang that awesome ass chase turned into that hella sucks & with that claudette she seen him that whole time with aftercare, but still stayed there & unfortunately met her karma for sandbagging. Awesome vid as always TrU3 keep it goin!

  8. And this is why I hate this game sometimes. Killer play literally nothing get two hooks and bcs of noed and camping has 2 kills after gens are done almost 3 or 4 kills. There should be a option to play without noed devour hope mori´s object (finnaly gets rework) keys and other toxic perks and plays. Every survivor should be guaranteed 3 hooks automatic DS and BT and yeah gen progress should be increase too from 80 second maybe to 100 seconds

  9. 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ 18cams.xyz

    》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《



    來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1618410731

  10. I need to keep watching true not only for learning but his chill.
    If that was me i would have lost my s*** but he just small sigh head in hand for a second and oh well.
    Like i need that chill with this game


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