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Even The Killer Felt Bad For Me – Dead By Daylight #shorts
I’m Sorry To Your Ears, I Yell A Lot:(
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Outro Video – ( ) *All Credit To Them*
Outro Song – ( ) *All Credit To Them*
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#dbd #shorts #dbdshorts
Poor Lee :c
The year is 2024 by the way 💀
Some people
I love the way the wraith is tilting his head looking at you like a sympathetic puppy seeing you face plant on the sidewalk
Bro just cockblocked you soooo hard.
Dude is like damn thats tough
Okay so why we acting like you don’t have endurance like you just got unhooked ☠️
Tbh this so funny like at least she unhooked your ass like you were about to die and the killer was camping you and we blaming your teammate ? ☠️again you had endurance so even if the pallet dropped now you just being dramatic like bro ☠️
Man I see that problem all the time then I go and get the other player for just ditching them like that 😅
Betrayal never comes from an enemy.
Dude in the back is like "You're my friend now"
twist: Killer was just trapping and trolling
Plot twist: he's waiting out endurance